All I wish to know is the difference between the 2 games pls only reply if you have played world of warcraft, or have something constructive to add.
Now I've been playing WoW for a really long time now on the horde side. I love pvping. I spent months grinding my character to Lt. general rank and going through ZG, MC, BWL to get gear. After all those work i got better than tier 1 gear on my toon. I've seen most of the end game content already. The problem I have is I stoped playing for couple of months because of real life. And now I got back in the game, Everyone have better gear than me. And every noob out there is owning me no matter how skilled I am just because they have the newest gears. To top it off my pvp rank is meanningless now since the new patch, everyone one have high warlord gears, It made me feel like all of those months spent in frustation is a waste of time. Me and my friends was thinking maybe switching to guild wars. I have heard good things about it, so I'm here to ask your opinion on the matter. I dont want to judge on which is the better game and all that BS. And I dont care about the monthly fee and all that. All I wanted to know is which game is better suited for me. I've done a bit of reading on GW so here is the break down between what I read, and what I know of WoW.
1. the game map
the world is bigger, you can meet people all over the place not just in towns
no loading screen execpt in instances
you can only meet people in towns, and every quest is an instance. Lots of loading screen.
2. Time wasted
Lots of time spent on traveling to places
instant travel
3. Groups
you can have a group of up to 40 players
you can only have a group of 5? (not sure about this one)
4. The skill factor
completetly gear based, no matter how skilled you are, its all about the gear.
And to get the top gears you have to join an established raiding guild. And once you are in that guild it feels like work, you play on a raiding schedule, and it would take months to get the top gears. It feels like showing up for work.
not sure how this works, please some one clarify.
5. PvP
PvP have battle grounds where there is 40 man AV(destory the other side's base), 15man AB(capture bases and holding it), and 10 man WSG(capture flag and returning it to your base) which I love. And the rewards for winning battle grounds are nice.
dont know how that works please explain.
6. Combat
I like the style of combat, click a shortcut bar to use a combat skill or spell, and cooldown for some of the more powerful skills.
7. Trading
lots of selling and buying reagents, potions and mats. The auction house is nice for selling and buying items.
please explain how this is done.
8. Items
tons of items. but to be competitive you need to have the very best gear. Which means eventrually everyone will have the same top gears.
Feel free to add more comparisons. But my main style of play is PvP, and the problem I have with WoW is that to be competitive in PvP you need to join a good guild spent months of grinding out gear(which means work) and then PvP only in your spare time to have a little bit of fun. And when they decided to add more gear, your old gear is meanningless you start the cycle all over again. The game is more based on time spent rather than actual skill.
So please filling me in on how GW is played thanks in advance