Chat window is still flooded with these spams of trade even after the search function was added. I would like something like a personal shop, either a stand or like a guild hall, but smaller.
2. Ridable pets
This should make everything more interesting...
3. Trade skills?
I am tired of farming and killing the same stuff all over again and the only REAL way of making money is luck or to rip some new player off. Not nice. Why not put something like smithing, etc.

The only thing that makes WoW 0.3 marks higher than GW is this part, this is what makes GW repetitive. Shouldnt be too hard, the materials are already in there.
4. Bow String
I am sure making the bowstring visible cant be that hard... I mean even a game like bowman did it...
5. SnowBall Fight
I liked it, but i thought some actual animation would be nice, seeing snowball magically apear is just too... you know...
6. Monsters drop Gems, Monsters drop Gems... So far, only people with prophecy ever has a reasonable chance to get 1 from a drop.
These are hard ones.
1. Real animation of Pheonix or other flying creatures.
Instead of taking off then land immediatly, it should circle around u or something.
2. No more pop up windows
I would seriusly prefer to read the dialogs in the chat window than the pop up windows that distracts u from battle.
3. Play as different races, like play as a tengu (taylon silverwing) or other races that eventually meet up with the rest of the story line.
These are just suggestions... so dont get all kranky about it all please guys