hey whats the time line for a seller to try to get something to a buyer?
ive been waiting on a seller for little over a week sent sevrel e mails got on reply just wondering if its ok to consider my agrement to the seller void.
Question about guru auctions...
Smile Like Umean It
That's more than enough time. Not to mention you got no replies. I think it would be okay.
Njaiguni Blaze
Well, I had this myself too/ Only I was the seller. A person waited for about a week and went bonanza when I got online. And that while I sent him an e-mail that it maybe was because of different timezones. My sell information even says in what timezone I live and it was christmas for Dwayna's sake. Also, one bought this item from me, and wasn't online for a month, but he/she still got it. So I think the limit isn't really something that has to be within one period. If he lets you stuck up for too long with no awnser, I'd just screw the deal.
already did was just geting some input from people i got done with waiting Ty all for youre responses
Just make sure you didn't just reply to the winner notification e-mails. If you sent your e-mails to auctions@..., they went to the wrong inbox.
I usually wait a week, though the holidays may of course affect the availability of trading partners.
I usually wait a week, though the holidays may of course affect the availability of trading partners.

I wait 2 weeks if no contact has been made with in that time I consider that the person does not want the item. With it being christmass i would give it another week. If no response by then sell it to someone else.
i sent messages to his e mail not the auctions i left feedback explaining the problem and that i basicaly was retraction my wining bid due to inability to get in contact with/recive item in a timely matter