What do I do with the flute?


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jan 2007



Ok, I have Gwens broken Flute, this is after the searing and it is not atached to any quest I have/had so I was just wondering what it was good for. It equips like a shild but it has no Def/Bonuses so I was just wondering if there was a quest I got for haveing it or if it was just compleatly usless crap.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2005


Wizardry Players Guild, http://4guildwars.7.forumer.com

No known use at this point. Junk it, you can always go back and get one if desired.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2006

I kinda miss that brat. In pre-searing, i made the mistake of doing her quest and letting her follow me around. Got annoying. lol Maybe her urn is next to altheas and if you knock her urn over, her ashes will follow you around and piss you off?



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Feb 2006


Southern Farmers Union

Junk Gwens Flute??? (Broken or not) That'd be heresy!

She's one of the coolest things ever about GW... Because of the Broken Flute and the Tapestry Shards!

She keeps people guessing... and hoping... and ranting apparently...

Anyways, top tip, if you ever run across a quest item, that you have no idea what to do about, put it in storage for later. You never know, do ya?

And when you run out of storage space, WHEN not IF, you look it up on the All-knowing, ever-wise GuildWiki.org, then you can decide whether or not to junk it.