I was playing in random arena, and our team of P (me), A, Rt, and Mo had just won 3 games. We came to an arena (i don't know its name its circular and has bridges connecting it to a middle circle) and easily ran through the opposing team, all save for a dervish.
She used up her rez sig so she kept running. She didn't have running moves and neither did we. We threw EVERYTHING at her but failed to lower her health lower than 1/4 down! Sometimes she would stop and attack us with grenths avatar just to scare us, she did normal dervish damage but it was still like fighting a boss with a krap load of health.
the game lasted for friggin 30 mins when I left but my allies were still chasing her...
the moves i saw her do:
Grenths avatar (she only did it to look scary as hell)
mystic regeneration
mystic vigor
crippling sweep (just an attack move)
the others i either forgot or don't know
did she use hacks or is this build really godlike (for surviving a ridiculous amount of time atleast), and if it is i think it should be nerfed... badly
wow, i just saw a godlike deverish build....
Welcome to Random Arenas, the one place where tanking actually works in a "PvP" scenario. That build isn't godlike at all; it's just made to survive, rather than kill. Add to that your lack of straight-up damage, and well... It was a battle you couldn't hope to win.
Make sure to bring some enchantment removal with you next time, to shut players like that down before they get too much momentum.
Make sure to bring some enchantment removal with you next time, to shut players like that down before they get too much momentum.
It probably wasn't hard for the dervish to survive your "onslaught".
The build isn't godlike.
Your group had no damage.
Geez, nerfs and hacks.
If you think this is godlike, you should see what a mesmer or necro could do against that.
Your group had no damage.
Geez, nerfs and hacks.
If you think this is godlike, you should see what a mesmer or necro could do against that.
lol...it would of been funny if somedid have some enchant removals..give the dervish a few mins of fame..then go..wow your good..time do die
then enchants removal and batter the hell outta him :P

Originally Posted by crime.mob
did she use hacks or is this build really godlike (for surviving a ridiculous amount of time atleast), and if it is i think it should be nerfed... badly |
Yah I dont think you will win against any D/* or E/de, look up dervish skills in the wiki & you will see some really good enchantment combinations that must be taken off.
(The build you mentioned is a standard dervish tank build that has been used since NF-preview)
Having a Dervish of my own, I can honestly say, "Enchantment removal actually helps the Dervish." Most Dervish builds rely on casting and removing enchantments. By removing the enchantments on a Dervish, you are more than likely giving them health or energy (or both): you may be also causing conditions to yourself or your party (blindness, bleeding and oh, yeah, baby....burning)...enchantment removal...forget it, your timing isn't likely to hurt as much as with monk enchantments.
Interrupts and energy denial are the better play...conditions too if they don't have Avatar of Dwayna. You should always bring at least one anti-kiting skill to the areana and one kiting skill if you are a soft target.
I run a Scyth Mastery and Mysticism Dervish...even though it appears Earth Prayers have the greatest healing potential, there are enough skills that provide simultaneous damage and regeneration that I find I can tank adequately while dealing surprising damage and conditions to multiple targets while healing myself and getting an occasional mana-boost...a few adjustments and I can tank longer, but lack effective killing damage...just not as fun that way
Interrupts and energy denial are the better play...conditions too if they don't have Avatar of Dwayna. You should always bring at least one anti-kiting skill to the areana and one kiting skill if you are a soft target.
I run a Scyth Mastery and Mysticism Dervish...even though it appears Earth Prayers have the greatest healing potential, there are enough skills that provide simultaneous damage and regeneration that I find I can tank adequately while dealing surprising damage and conditions to multiple targets while healing myself and getting an occasional mana-boost...a few adjustments and I can tank longer, but lack effective killing damage...just not as fun that way
ya we didn't have any enchantment removals but i wouldn't say we couldn't do damage, god that build ran through several ritualist spirits, assassin combos, and my spear- which is a strong damage dealer, atleast compared to the bow (i have a P/R, and found the bow to be a nerfed version of the spear, in damage dealing atleast) and i burned, bled, and penetrated her armor with it at the same time...
w/e ill carry some enchantment removals next time, but that was gay...
w/e ill carry some enchantment removals next time, but that was gay...