Gold storage?


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Dec 2006

I am not sure, but I seen some items skyrocketing to 800k~++. One question is how do you guys keep all that gold? I thought max storage for gold is 1000k? (1 million)

Oh, how do you guys trade when it goes over 100k?



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Sep 2006


Spirit of Elisha


Generally, I think most people just trade 100k + x number of ectos. Ectos are worth about 7-8k and a lot of people want them for armor so just ask for 100k + however many ectos are needed to make up the difference.

Ok, now I'd like to know what item is selling for 800k.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Mar 2006

The Lost Dynasty [SEEK]


Originally Posted by TheRaven
Generally, I think most people just trade 100k + x number of ectos. Ectos are worth about 7-8k and a lot of people want them for armor so just ask for 100k + however many ectos are needed to make up the difference.

Ok, now I'd like to know what item is selling for 800k.
perfect max gold 15^50 vamp of fortitude Crystalline Sword

I think 1000K is enough money, but I htink we should be able to carry more than 100K on our chars.

Malice Black

Site Legend

Join Date: Oct 2005

Once people hit 1mill in gold they either invest in perfect items/extremely rare items or they transfer the money into ecto.

Ecto is used for 100k+ trades. Sometimes black dye/gold weapons or shards are used but this happens very rarely.

My Green Storage

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Sep 2006


My Blue Storage


I have about 1.2 to my name and I think .. you know I should take 100k and go get ectos (For trading)
and then I start to think .. 100k, all i would get out of that is 10-11 ectos ... is it really worth it?

I know it's only 100k, but eh. A max perfect this sword is just as good as a max perfect that sword. So why spend the extra xxx gold



Academy Page

Join Date: Jul 2006

All over the place

Broken Circle


Haha, well you could say the same thing about armor.
1.5k droks armor is just as good as 15k armor which is just as good as obsidian armor, but personally....I like my 15k armor.

Stupid Shizno

Stupid Shizno


Join Date: Jan 2006

Madison, Wisconsin, USA



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