Finished Faction's, What next?
alas! Ive finished the main mission on factions campaign! but im not sure what to do next?
So you beat Shiro, right? If so you can
- go do the missions for the other side. If you went the Kurzick route do the Luxon missions, or vice versa.
- pursue a title, Protector of Cantha or whatever
- cap elites
- hunt bosses (farm)
- do challenge missions
- do alliance battles
- start another toon
- do PvP
- add Prophecies or Nightfall to your account
- go do the missions for the other side. If you went the Kurzick route do the Luxon missions, or vice versa.
- pursue a title, Protector of Cantha or whatever
- cap elites
- hunt bosses (farm)
- do challenge missions
- do alliance battles
- start another toon
- do PvP
- add Prophecies or Nightfall to your account