I recently bought a copy of GWP and started a new char. I have a L8 char thats located in old ascalon and has only ventured as far as piken.
if I buy Nightfall tonight can I take my L8 char there or do I have to start a new char? I really would like to pull my char across but I'm not sure if its possible.
Transfer between GWP and Nightfall possible? plz read.
Kaylynn Of Ascalon
You'd need to get your char to Lion's Arch and then do a short, but difficult for a Lv.8 char, mission to get across to Elona.
Kaylynn Of Ascalon
That blows. It will take me awhile to get there unless I have someone run me and that takes the fun out of it.
I'd be better off starting a new char in Nightfall and then eventually bring it to GWP world. (I've already played through GWP about 5 times.) I deleted my Monk and then realised it was my fav char. Now I'm building a new Monk but I'm a little bored with GWP and would like something new.
I'm sure my guild could run me there though.
I'd be better off starting a new char in Nightfall and then eventually bring it to GWP world. (I've already played through GWP about 5 times.) I deleted my Monk and then realised it was my fav char. Now I'm building a new Monk but I'm a little bored with GWP and would like something new.
I'm sure my guild could run me there though.
Stupid Shizno
it dosnt sound like you have factions, but if you do....going to tyria to factions (very easy quest, since all you do is run to the town) then to from fanctions to nightfall (very easy since all hench are lvl20)
Kaylynn Of Ascalon
I bought factions and didn't like it (at the time). I don't own it any longer. I plan to pick up NightFall tonight and then work my way towards LA. By the time I get there I should be L14 and that should be good enough to make it to NightFall.
Or maybe I'll start a new char in NF. I dunno what I want to do. lol
I'm not too worried about NF being tuffer than GWP because I'm already quite experienced in the GW universe. My only real decision is whether or not to be a pure healer as before or a smiter this time around.
Or maybe I'll start a new char in NF. I dunno what I want to do. lol
I'm not too worried about NF being tuffer than GWP because I'm already quite experienced in the GW universe. My only real decision is whether or not to be a pure healer as before or a smiter this time around.
How do you not own it anymore?
Shouldn't the account still exist?
Shouldn't the account still exist?
Keira Darkwind
once you apply a code to your account (factions) you can't unlink it.. don't quite understand what you mean there.
Another thing, you don't have to choose between pure healing or smiting. You can do both! since you can change your attributes and skills around in any outpost, for no charge or disadvantage.
Another thing, you don't have to choose between pure healing or smiting. You can do both! since you can change your attributes and skills around in any outpost, for no charge or disadvantage.
Kaylynn Of Ascalon
Sorry guys but I didn't get into details because I don't want to break any forum rules. I had an account with 500+ hours invested. I quit playing because I was tired of the game. (I had linked my Faction key to the GWP account). My best friend decided he wanted to buy GWP and Factions. I told him I'd give hime my game to save him the money since I stopped playing anyway. I deleted my main chars and handed it over. The only thing I gave him was my saved up money (around 48k) and a L2 char in Old ascalon.
Now I've decided to play again. I regret giving him my game but its too late for regrets. I bought another GWP and have been playing for about a day or two off and on.
Now I've decided to play again. I regret giving him my game but its too late for regrets. I bought another GWP and have been playing for about a day or two off and on.
Kaylynn Of Ascalon
Oh and last time I was playing if I wanted to switch my skills around I would lose skill points. So I only played as a healer. Knowing what you just told me I figure I'll play as both now. sweet.
Stupid Shizno
well good luck in that mate, youll sure enjoy the hero tools im sure