what will become of factions?
Dutch Masterr
as it stands right now, guild wars factions is only played for alliance battles and maybe some farming. within a few months, the whole faction system will be dead. my question is--will a-net ever introduce new alliance battle maps? AB is the only thing keeping factions alive, and the same 5 maps are getting old. i would love it if 1 or 2 new maps were introduced. it will bring more people back to factions.
That is your interpretation of what is happening to factions. As a matter of fact, I've decided to start a new mesmer character in Factions (as opposed to Prophecies or Nightfall)
Reintroduce the npc into urgoz and deep too while you're at it... I'd do them any time over DoA
I'm not sure if it would bring more folks back to Factions, but I'd like to see one or two new maps as well. AB is still a lot of fun, if you get the right folks on the map - the trash talk alone brightens my day, usually - but when I go to bump around everywhere else in Cantha the number of people seems to be much more sparse than it used to be.
What sort of maps did you feel could be introduced?
I was actually thinking of a truly multilevel map - there are a few which incorporate raised platforms and fort-like combat, but a somewhat open 4+ level area would be snazzy. Talk about all of the options there; the open-ness of most of the fields is something that I think Anet could branch away from if they were to introduce a new area or two. As it is, AB is just a huge free for all; a teensy bit more strategy would be interesting. Force folks around nasty corners, into narrower areas, etc.
Just my two cents.
What sort of maps did you feel could be introduced?
I was actually thinking of a truly multilevel map - there are a few which incorporate raised platforms and fort-like combat, but a somewhat open 4+ level area would be snazzy. Talk about all of the options there; the open-ness of most of the fields is something that I think Anet could branch away from if they were to introduce a new area or two. As it is, AB is just a huge free for all; a teensy bit more strategy would be interesting. Force folks around nasty corners, into narrower areas, etc.
Just my two cents.
King Kong
Originally Posted by electrofish
Reintroduce the npc into urgoz and deep too while you're at it... I'd do them any time over DoA
Dutch Masterr
Originally Posted by Bale_Shadowscar
That is your interpretation of what is happening to factions. As a matter of fact, I've decided to start a new mesmer character in Factions (as opposed to Prophecies or Nightfall)
It's very hard to get a character through factions without using any NPC's nowadays because of the lack of people playing the missions without them. That's partially due to the ever-expanding Guild Wars universe, but it's also partially due to the introduction of heroes.
The short answer is that Factions is and will be there for you to play, but you probably will be doing so in single-player mode. ;(
The short answer is that Factions is and will be there for you to play, but you probably will be doing so in single-player mode. ;(
im not too sure what its like in any missions in prophecies before the shiverpeaks, but its probably just as bad. |
Factions characters get lots of love.
However Faction map/quests don't over prophecies and nightfall ;x
However Faction map/quests don't over prophecies and nightfall ;x
Originally Posted by Bale_Shadowscar
That is your interpretation of what is happening to factions. As a matter of fact, I've decided to start a new mesmer character in Factions (as opposed to Prophecies or Nightfall)
People use Factions for many reasons, and I happen to know a few who are planning on getting Factions to continue exploring and enjoying the world of Guild Wars

Well said Bale. :nod:
I have a friend who just added Factions to their Prophecies and started up an assassin.
I took my Tyrian elementalist through Vizunah and Nahpui this past week. I beat them both with heroes and henchies though, I had no desire to PUG either one and was happy when the Viz local team was all henchies.
I have a good guild though so if I need help on a mission can get others to join.
As far as AB's go, I don't really care about them, been there, done that, they are OK but I have plenty of other PvE things to do.
I'd say that Factions is still going OK.
I took my Tyrian elementalist through Vizunah and Nahpui this past week. I beat them both with heroes and henchies though, I had no desire to PUG either one and was happy when the Viz local team was all henchies.
I have a good guild though so if I need help on a mission can get others to join.
As far as AB's go, I don't really care about them, been there, done that, they are OK but I have plenty of other PvE things to do.
I'd say that Factions is still going OK.
Omega X
Originally Posted by Jetdoc
That's partially due to the ever-expanding Guild Wars universe, but it's also partially due to the introduction of heroes.
Jeremy Untouchable
Umm your correct, Factions is single player atm.GWP on the other hand has more people in it now then it did 14 months ago. at least at night in the US it does..
Originally Posted by Omega X
That seems to be the blame all for the Nightfall era. I wonder what the next blame all will be.
Factions is kinda dead. A lot of people say, "That's just what YOU think, n00b learn2play," but the fact of the matter is, that's the truth. It's possible (but improbable) to get groups up until you hit Maatu Keep. Once there, you better have Heroes. Or a good sense of how to control Henchies with mind control powers similar to that of Aaron Sorkin. If not, then you wasted your money on Factions. Sucks to be you.
Also, people spew crap like "Cantha doesn't have Winter's Day because it's oriental, n00b," but the fact of the matter is, Elona is Africa/Arabic based and it still had the freaking festival. ANet does not base the holidays in Guild Wars around the cultures. It bases it around where they're making the most profit. You'll be lucky if you get the Dragon Festival again. As for the Day of the Tengu... Don't hold your breath.
Servant of Kali
Dunno, i played Eternal Grove today and found group very fast, masters one.
What use is that? How bout for start they make Fort Aspenwood playable, fix it, and ban leechers.
my question is--will a-net ever introduce new alliance battle maps? |
I know I'm still digging Factions. I just made a geomancer in Factions and I'm finding out that Exhaustion...not so bad. LoL. It's a fun game, quick play and nice rewards for beating it. At this point though I'm usually turning around and selling or giving away the end game greens to poor unsuspecting noobies in Prophecies. It tickles me. I'll keep playing factions for that if nothing else, just so I can continue my charity work. Between Tombs and Factions I've been giving away or cheap selling useful greens to inexperienced players round the clock.
Divine Slaya
I don't play Factions much anymore, I just didn't really enjoy the PVE aspect of the game. The only thing I would go to Factions for is the AB - but the last few times I've been there I had to wait over 20 minutes to even get into a battle. I guess that alone has really turned me away from the only thing I enjoyed in Factions.
Also, as mentioned posts above me, the amount of leechers in Fort Aspenwood has turned me away as well.
Also, as mentioned posts above me, the amount of leechers in Fort Aspenwood has turned me away as well.
Factions are dead for a good reason:
- Past Maatu, the storyline splits into two, the next hurdle is 10k faction limit. That completely dillutes the population
- Henchies are horrible. Sister Tai just loves to use sig of devotion to counter spike damage, lack of protection, henchies change in just about every area
- Faction related aspects apeal to grinders. Not farming style grinders, but WoW style grinders.
- Gated content. Enough said.
- Past Cavalon/HzH, there's insane ammount of territory that serves no real purpose, except skill capping. No reason for anyone to be there. And those that are, only push far enough to get the armor.
- No loot. Items aren't inscribable.
- Fort Aspenwood. A decent casual pvp area destroyed by leechers and bugs.
- JQ. Dead on arrival due to PvE requirements, by the time PvP characters could get there it was forgotten already.
- No rewards. Amulets are worthless, so are most of the greens. Those that aren't, are solo farmed.
- AB. Too many issues, to high requirements for team play, too exploitable by solo builds. Those two conflict each other. Also, being put in with 2 other teams you have no control makes team play a lesson in futility.
- Useless skills. For most part, factions skills just aren't worth it. There's some exceptions for PvP, but for PvE you can do without, especially in light of NF skills which simply wipe the floor.
- Timed missions. Yea, let's rush through the content. That will help with grouping.
- Jade and amber are Factions specific materials. So unlike ectos, they are forgotten.
And last thing is simply, Factions require much greater population that GW has. Between casual Prophecies, and somewhat balanced NF (PvE-wise), Factions simply doesn't offer anything.
Factions works somewhat better with heroes, but even then henchies you need to fill in are mostly useless. There simply is nothing there that would warrant all the hassle, and pvp is too closely tied to faction grind.
On another note, recently I went to cap shadow form in Vizunah square, and I had to do it 4 or 5 times in order to get the boss to spawn. The only time I got masters was when other team full hench. In all other cases, I missed it by several minutes easily.
- Past Maatu, the storyline splits into two, the next hurdle is 10k faction limit. That completely dillutes the population
- Henchies are horrible. Sister Tai just loves to use sig of devotion to counter spike damage, lack of protection, henchies change in just about every area
- Faction related aspects apeal to grinders. Not farming style grinders, but WoW style grinders.
- Gated content. Enough said.
- Past Cavalon/HzH, there's insane ammount of territory that serves no real purpose, except skill capping. No reason for anyone to be there. And those that are, only push far enough to get the armor.
- No loot. Items aren't inscribable.
- Fort Aspenwood. A decent casual pvp area destroyed by leechers and bugs.
- JQ. Dead on arrival due to PvE requirements, by the time PvP characters could get there it was forgotten already.
- No rewards. Amulets are worthless, so are most of the greens. Those that aren't, are solo farmed.
- AB. Too many issues, to high requirements for team play, too exploitable by solo builds. Those two conflict each other. Also, being put in with 2 other teams you have no control makes team play a lesson in futility.
- Useless skills. For most part, factions skills just aren't worth it. There's some exceptions for PvP, but for PvE you can do without, especially in light of NF skills which simply wipe the floor.
- Timed missions. Yea, let's rush through the content. That will help with grouping.
- Jade and amber are Factions specific materials. So unlike ectos, they are forgotten.
And last thing is simply, Factions require much greater population that GW has. Between casual Prophecies, and somewhat balanced NF (PvE-wise), Factions simply doesn't offer anything.
Factions works somewhat better with heroes, but even then henchies you need to fill in are mostly useless. There simply is nothing there that would warrant all the hassle, and pvp is too closely tied to faction grind.
On another note, recently I went to cap shadow form in Vizunah square, and I had to do it 4 or 5 times in order to get the boss to spawn. The only time I got masters was when other team full hench. In all other cases, I missed it by several minutes easily.
Originally Posted by Antheus
- Henchies are horrible. Sister Tai just loves to use sig of devotion to counter spike damage, lack of protection, henchies change in just about every area
Originally Posted by Antheus
- No loot. Items aren't inscribable.
Originally Posted by Antheus
- No rewards. Amulets are worthless, so are most of the greens. Those that aren't, are solo farmed.
Originally Posted by Antheus
- Useless skills. For most part, factions skills just aren't worth it. There's some exceptions for PvP, but for PvE you can do without, especially in light of NF skills which simply wipe the floor.
Hand of Ruin
FYI, I'm playing through factions on my ele right now, and there are tons of people around. Everytime I get to a new mission (with the benefiet of heroes) I see lots of people pugging and doing missions, so this whole "factions is dead' notion is nothing but B.S...
Factions is a great game, and once the "elite" around here find something new to hate on, people will start to see that.
Factions is a great game, and once the "elite" around here find something new to hate on, people will start to see that.
You can tell that Factions is not dying yet from the players still on Shing Jea Island. Some of them may be mules, but I bet you that the other 50% are players that want to complete Factions.
On the other hand, these characters might be just making asian-looking characters for their looks, and just rushing off to Kaineng Center to head off into another chapter.
I don't think Factions will die anytime soon, because (IMO) I think alot of the armor there is much more better than the ones in Elona and people are still striving to get the armor.
On the other hand, these characters might be just making asian-looking characters for their looks, and just rushing off to Kaineng Center to head off into another chapter.
I don't think Factions will die anytime soon, because (IMO) I think alot of the armor there is much more better than the ones in Elona and people are still striving to get the armor.
I have a few characters going through factions, but I dont really need completions a great deal, they are just kinda, work in progress characters.
Effendi Westland
Then end-game was always split. Past the 10k faction cap there were always few players willing to group. The quality of those that were wasn't high. A big chance the groups there were forming an alliance party.
Now that nightfall is out I've spend some time in factions, and I've noticed:
-people are willing to group with anybody in the district.
-when the party gets to 3-4 heros get added.
-and to my amazement crappy players are not eager to bring their heros.
-I've gotten my first vizunah master in a pug, with someone with only him + henchies on the other side. Where previously we would form 8 on each side in the international district with the guild/alliance the difficult masters can be pugged now.
The new way the henchies/heros act is also brilliant. Some areas in factions require tight aggro control. If you would take pugs+henchies you would also have the risk that one decides to aggro the world and drag the henchies to a quick death. Now that the top player always has the henchies near him you can prevent this by simply staying put.
For me Factions became alot more playable, so I'll probably be taking my necro, paragon and dervish through.
Now that nightfall is out I've spend some time in factions, and I've noticed:
-people are willing to group with anybody in the district.
-when the party gets to 3-4 heros get added.
-and to my amazement crappy players are not eager to bring their heros.
-I've gotten my first vizunah master in a pug, with someone with only him + henchies on the other side. Where previously we would form 8 on each side in the international district with the guild/alliance the difficult masters can be pugged now.
The new way the henchies/heros act is also brilliant. Some areas in factions require tight aggro control. If you would take pugs+henchies you would also have the risk that one decides to aggro the world and drag the henchies to a quick death. Now that the top player always has the henchies near him you can prevent this by simply staying put.
For me Factions became alot more playable, so I'll probably be taking my necro, paragon and dervish through.
As much as I didn't like various parts of Factions (I love Shing Jae), there's one reason why people will still be going there, and possibly picking it up for new players. Unless they replace it, that's the only place for minion masters to get Flesh Golem.
Originally Posted by lightblade
Staying alive is your own responsibility. It's not the monk's fault that you're dead, npc or player. Sister Tai works fine with me.
This just make good Zodiac weapons more valuable, and the wielder more leet. Check gwg auctions. Amulet worth the same as Book. |
I've beaten all the difficult NF missions with Factions Elite skills |
What would work better overall? No Nightfall skills? Or no Factions skills?

Originally Posted by Antheus
Factions are dead for a good reason:
- Past Maatu, the storyline splits into two, the next hurdle is 10k faction limit. That completely dillutes the population |
But one of this day I'll be collecting the 10K factions needed and try to complete the game ...... I really don't like farming factions.
Originally Posted by Antheus
- Gated content. Enough said.
- Past Cavalon/HzH, there's insane ammount of territory that serves no real purpose, except skill capping. No reason for anyone to be there. And those that are, only push far enough to get the armor. |
I really liked to go to Vasburg Armory getting my new armour for my Canthan and Tyrian characters was very rewarding.
Originally Posted by Antheus
- No loot. Items aren't inscribable.
- Fort Aspenwood. A decent casual pvp area destroyed by leechers and bugs. - JQ. Dead on arrival due to PvE requirements, by the time PvP characters could get there it was forgotten already. - No rewards. Amulets are worthless, so are most of the greens. Those that aren't, are solo farmed. - AB. Too many issues, to high requirements for team play, too exploitable by solo builds. Those two conflict each other. Also, being put in with 2 other teams you have no control makes team play a lesson in futility. |
Originally Posted by Antheus
- Useless skills. For most part, factions skills just aren't worth it. There's some exceptions for PvP, but for PvE you can do without, especially in light of NF skills which simply wipe the floor.
- Timed missions. Yea, let's rush through the content. That will help with grouping. - Jade and amber are Factions specific materials. So unlike ectos, they are forgotten. |

I agree with the amber and jade material tho, but they are worthless only if you don't wish to have the armours, I personally like the Kurzick's one, and in my opinion they are the best!

Originally Posted by Antheus
And last thing is simply, Factions require much greater population that GW has. Between casual Prophecies, and somewhat balanced NF (PvE-wise), Factions simply doesn't offer anything.

I like Prophecies the best, Faction is good too because I made two new characters and took all my four Tyrian characters through factions and finished it with a new armour for most of them.

On the other side with Nightfall I made only one elonian character and completed the game but I'm not in any hurry to bring my others characters to Elona or make a new one. To have to level up your heroes is a pain.
I find the game to hard and a bit confusing, the drops are pityfull and players are not helpfull as they were in Prophecies and in Factions and what you get at the conclusion is not much different than what you got in Factions: Amulet = Book!

I find myself going back to Tyria and Cantha all the time!

In conclusion, Factions is still alive and enjoyied by many especially for people, like myself, who likes questing, exploring and follow the story/missions.
If nothing else, the Factions missions were memorable. No one will ever, ever forget their first time through Vizunah.
Nightfall, on the other hand...
Nightfall, on the other hand...
It's not dead, but it is more dead than prophecies, which is older. You will need to hero/hench most of the luxon and kurzick lands, that isn't very difficult but it might be boring.
BTW factions being dead or not dead has nothing to do with how much you like or dislike it. Just look at district populations or try and pug a group.
The way alliance faction works has always beeen a complete and utter disaster from day one. There is nothing short of a complete overhaul, which is never coming, that could ever fix this. There's nothing functional about it that *can* collapse short of amber and jade becoming even more worthless (but they've actually been going up recently.) Improving ABs won't do much for the PvE outpost population anyway since you can just go there with a pvp char.
BTW factions being dead or not dead has nothing to do with how much you like or dislike it. Just look at district populations or try and pug a group.
The way alliance faction works has always beeen a complete and utter disaster from day one. There is nothing short of a complete overhaul, which is never coming, that could ever fix this. There's nothing functional about it that *can* collapse short of amber and jade becoming even more worthless (but they've actually been going up recently.) Improving ABs won't do much for the PvE outpost population anyway since you can just go there with a pvp char.
Holy Warblade
Everyone will always have a different opinion on each campaign based on what they are trying to achieve, have achieved or are aspiring to achieve. That being said, I personally enjoy different aspects from each of the campaigns and will continue to do so for the considerable future.
If you hate it, then don't play it. There's no need to flame it to eternity.
If you hate it, then don't play it. There's no need to flame it to eternity.
What will become of Factions: nothing.
Same answer can be applied to any chapter in due time.
People in general will always gravitate away from old games that no longer get any dev support.
Same answer can be applied to any chapter in due time.
People in general will always gravitate away from old games that no longer get any dev support.
Originally Posted by Kakumei
If nothing else, the Factions missions were memorable. No one will ever, ever forget their first time through Vizunah.
Nightfall, on the other hand... |
That said Vizunah was awesome the first time
IMHO Factions has definitely become more playable with heroes since getting players after the 10k faction hurdle was always tricky after it's first month of release.
What I don't get in why everyone hates the Kaineng scenery, I've always adored it, so grim and oppressing, good adventuring stuff!
I don't think factions is dead. That's over exagerrating a bit.
There was several zones with a few people in them, such as Saint Anjek, but I did a quick check in prophecies and it's the same thing there in zones, such as the copperhead mines. Prophecies has more people in Lion's Arch right now as opposed to Kaineng, but I don't blame them for what's going on right now.
IMO Factions has some of the best looking armour and easiest access to lots of skills. I think it is definitely still a viable place to adventure for anyone.
There was several zones with a few people in them, such as Saint Anjek, but I did a quick check in prophecies and it's the same thing there in zones, such as the copperhead mines. Prophecies has more people in Lion's Arch right now as opposed to Kaineng, but I don't blame them for what's going on right now.
IMO Factions has some of the best looking armour and easiest access to lots of skills. I think it is definitely still a viable place to adventure for anyone.
factions isnt dead but the life support machine is being prepared
im taking a character through factions and getting a team together for missions takes ages waiting for enough people to appear in mission towns
this is just my experience but there are very few people doing missions in factions
im taking a character through factions and getting a team together for missions takes ages waiting for enough people to appear in mission towns
this is just my experience but there are very few people doing missions in factions
Kai Nui
These times are a changing, in the mean time, I'll be dancing on the stage in Henge of Denravi while no one is there. I'm sure someone will ask "Where's Henge of Denravi?" or "There's a stage in HoD?".
I know HoD, but as to where the stage is? Is it in the little water area?
I am there now. Ho-boy is it a talkative bunch. Where is the stage?!
I am there now. Ho-boy is it a talkative bunch. Where is the stage?!
Prophecies is very much alive. Factions is too, although to a lesser extent.
ANet needs some cross chapter quests, I think. Something to make the other chapters more attractive to those who only have Nightfall.
ANet needs some cross chapter quests, I think. Something to make the other chapters more attractive to those who only have Nightfall.
Originally Posted by wilebill
Prophecies is very much alive. Factions is too, although to a lesser extent.
ANet needs some cross chapter quests, I think. Something to make the other chapters more attractive to those who only have Nightfall. |
Holy Warblade
Originally Posted by wilebill
Prophecies is very much alive. Factions is too, although to a lesser extent.
ANet needs some cross chapter quests, I think. Something to make the other chapters more attractive to those who only have Nightfall. |
Originally Posted by Dutch Masterr
actually, about a month after nightfall came out, i had already beaten it and got my protector title with my new ranger. i got bored and decided to make a new assassin. the going was pretty easy finding groups for missions up until i hit the luxon/kurzick territory. from there on in, most of the missions were dead, with only a few people in the district. im actually still up to unwaking waters mission and cant get any farther because there is literaly no one there to make a group....im not too sure what its like in any missions in prophecies before the shiverpeaks, but its probably just as bad.
Hanging Man
Originally Posted by Dutch Masterr
still up to unwaking waters mission and cant get any farther because there is literaly no one there to make a group.
*Plus* Dutch if you still need to finish Unwaking Waters my IGN is Gothic Blademaster i need to finish it too