I'm not a Mall Person, nor do I do a lot of shopping. However...
I bought Prophecies 8 months after game release and bought Factions a month or so later. Both from the store. I couldn't find Factions Collector's edition at all. So I just bought the plain edition.
I bought Nightfall from Anet Store. Anyways...
1.) Do Collector's editions exist in Sacramento?
2.) If I win the lottery tomorrow, can I add another key to my Guild Wars account, even though the game is already added to the account?
C.) Is anyone hearing of NCsoft adding that upgrade to the store sometime in the future? I'm willing to drop an extra $15-$20 to have my character dance with glitter. The stickers and booklets are not really important.
IV.) Does everyone know Sacramento is in California, which is in the U.S.?
Ryan Seacrest OUT!!
Collector's Edition Upgrade - via Anet Store
You can upgrade original GW to the game of the year edition. Which will get you the extra weapons But as far as I know Anet does not and will not sell the collectors version in its store. As for if they exists in Sacramento I have no idea try calling your local pc games store. You could use try amazon.com