leadership broken?


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Dec 2006


alright, leadership (paragon) is supposed to provide you with 1 energy for each ally affected by your shouts or chants, and its supposed to go up 1 energy every other leadership level.

Well why does my n00b lvl10 pve character get the same energy from 4 people as my lvl20 pvp character.

I can't get more than 4 energy when all my allies are together, with leadership lvl 12. technically shouldn't it do something close 24 energy...

?? is this happening to anyone else, or is this how is it supposed to be??



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2005


Wizardry Players Guild, http://4guildwars.7.forumer.com

You gain 1 Energy for each ally affected by one of your Shouts or Chants (maximum 1 Energy for every 2 ranks). The count of allies includes the caster.

4 allies = 4 energy, regardless of level.

Former Ruling

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Oct 2005

Cedartown, Georgia


I can't get more than 4 energy when all my allies are together, with leadership lvl 12. technically shouldn't it do something close 24 energy...
It isn't 1 for each ally PLUS 1 for every second level of Leadership, Its 1 for each ally TO THE MAXIMUM AMOUNT OF 1 for every other rank of Leadership.

So it isn't something like 24 energy...it means at 12 leadership you gain 6 energy MAX no matter if your shout effected 10million allies you'd only get 6 energy back.

this also has nothing to do with level of character..just attribute level and allies effected.