Concept Class: The Life Froster




Join Date: Dec 2006




Energy Magic: For each 4 attribute points you gain 1 energy each time a foe is slain.
Spell Casting: Improves skills under this attribute. Most spells in this attribute list give your party members additional energy.
Aura Stealing: Improves skills under this attribute. Most spells under this attribute steal energy from foes.
Replacement Magic. Improves skill under this attribute. Spells attack foes energy.

Spell Casting Spells:
Energy Transfer, 15 energy: Transfer 3...10 energy from yourself to a party member
Energy Replacement, Remaining Energy: Loose all energy and target allie gains 10...30% of that energy.*ELITE*
Corrupted Wish, 10 energy: 50% chance target allie gains 5...10 energy, 20% chance target allie loses 7...5 energy, 30% chance there is no effect.
Energy Felony, 10 energy: Steal 5..10 energy from target foe and give it to target allie.

Aura Spelling:
Energy Steal, 100 health: Steal 3...7 energy from target foe
Misplaced Energy, 100 health: Steal 5...10 energy from target foe. If this foe is suffering from an enchantment, there is no effect.
Energy Gamble, 5 energy: Strike enemy to steal 15...20 energy if your attack is a critical hit, otherwise this attack does nothing.
Striker, 30 energy: Deal 100...120 damage to target foe.*ELITE

Replacement Magic:
Energy Strike, 10 energy: Deal 5...10 damage to target touched foe's energy.
Energy Knockout 25 energy: Hit target foe for 5...10 energy damage and 35...50 health damage.
Energy Kill, All your remaining health: Set all of target foe's energy*ELITE

Weapon: Staff/Wand
Offhand: Max energy of 10

Max Health: 320
Max Energy: 35

Kai Nui

Kai Nui

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2005

Behind you with a knife

Celebrity Gangsters [FamE]


First impressions just from title: cross between necro and ice ele.

Originally Posted by Frazzy
Energy Magic: For each 4 attribute points you gain 1 energy each time a foe is slain.

is this a primary attribute? Like all attributes on your character get the advantage? Also, what defines a slain foe? Seems like a weaker soul reaping that doesn't get benefit from dead spirits and minions if they die off. I mean stuff doesn't get slain very often in PVP, but I'll read on.

Spell Casting: Improves skills under this attribute. Most spells in this attribute list give your party members additional energy.

Blood Is Power? Another necro-esque attribute in some aspect, kind of like inspiration but in a different form. I like it, but the "Spell Casting" name is rather vauge.

Aura Stealing: Improves skills under this attribute. Most spells under this attribute steal energy from foes.

Alright, mesmer took this job. I'll read what you've got, but this attrib. would take the boot in my book.

Replacement Magic. Improves skill under this attribute. Spells attack foes energy.

Interesting, although insanely over powered unless I see some skills that are scaled. Hitting a 20 with a warrior against life is fine, but against energy would be too crazy.


May I ask why? And why is it called a life froster? lol?

Spell Casting Spells:
Energy Transfer, 15 energy: Transfer 3...10 energy from yourself to a party member

Seems... useless... paying 25 energy to give someone 10?

Energy Replacement, Remaining Energy: Loose all energy and target allie gains 10...30% of that energy.*ELITE*

Wow, not a very good skill at all. Might do better with Ether Lord... That's a scary thought.

Corrupted Wish, 10 energy: 50% chance target allie gains 5...10 energy, 20% chance target allie loses 7...5 energy, 30% chance there is no effect.

In some ways I think this would just be not worth it.

Energy Felony, 10 energy: Steal 5..10 energy from target foe and give it to target allie.

How do you target two people at once? Maybe nearest foe loses energy. This might be alright.

Aura Spelling:

Lol "Aura Spelling?"

Energy Steal, 100 health: Steal 3...7 energy from target foe

Can you compare this to Energy Drain and Energy Tap with recharge specifics, etc...? I'd like to see how this would compare other than the 100 life instead of 5 energy cost.

Misplaced Energy, 100 health: Steal 5...10 energy from target foe. If this foe is suffering from an enchantment, there is no effect.

Oh woe! I'm suffering from an enchantment! HELP!

Energy Gamble, 5 energy: Strike enemy to steal 15...20 energy if your attack is a critical hit, otherwise this attack does nothing.

Hmm, I like. Energy steal seems a little high, maybe put it at 5...15 and cost 10 energy.

Striker, 30 energy: Deal 100...120 damage to target foe.*ELITE

There are no 30 energy skills in GW. This seems like a completely unlinked stat, I don't really see how this does any good honestly... Especially being 100 without any attribute points put into it, seems horribly out of place.

Replacement Magic:
Energy Strike, 10 energy: Deal 5...10 damage to target touched foe's energy.
Energy Knockout 25 energy: Hit target foe for 5...10 energy damage and 35...50 health damage.


Energy Kill, All your remaining health: Set all of target foe's energy*ELITE

Set all of target foe's energy? Not sure what you mean.

Weapon: Staff/Wand

This really seems like a melee class to me. You can't even achieve a critical with a staff/wand.

Offhand: Max energy of 10

Why not 12 like everything else...?

Max Health: 320
Max Energy: 35

Erm. Game doesn't really work like that.
Interesting idea, as it stands it doesn't quite fit within the GW universe, but with some tweaking it can work. It has a lot of energy screwing skills, and overall I think that's really powerful. Some things seem akward, some things are creative and have ingenuity. Reading down the list I noticed that several of the skills seemed to be melee type, but you've said it's caster, and it doesn't really fit well. Work on it a bit, I'll be back for more critiquing beause I'd like to see where you take this.