Wintergift Prices?



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2005


I see a lot of people trying to sell wintergifts. The range seems to be 500g minimum to 1k maximum. I was just wondering at what prices you have sold your wintergifts at? Are wintergifts sales good or is it better just to open the gifts? Do you think they will increase in value as the weeks or months pass?


Xenex Xclame

Xenex Xclame

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Mar 2006



To answer your question on which is better.
It depends on what you want, if you want to make profit selling the unopend gifts is the best way to do it, if you want to get something nice and get some
extra cash on the side open them and sell what you dont care for.
For me that would be the Alchohols,Fruitcake, and Elf tonic.

Lets say you have 20 gifts and you sell them all for 1K that means you made 20K ( minus whatever if you bought the shards from people)

Lets say you have 20 gifts and you open them, you get 4 pepermint CC,(4K)5 Spiked Eggnog(2K) 5 CCS (200G)and 6 elf tonics ( dont know its price)
Lets say you want to keep the tonic, that means you gained 6 tonics and 6200G.

*prices are estimates, true price is whatever you are willing to selll it for and whatever the buyer is willing to pay for it.