I've been getting a weird problem recently. My connection crashes around 1/10 times on loading screens. When it crashes, none of my programs can upload/download (the connection icon in the system tray stops lighting up). It hangs like this for around a minute (where I'll always disconnect out of the game), then promptly goes back to normal.
It *only* does that on GW loading screens (where you go from one zone to another), I haven't had it happen *during* a game, or on any other program.
I've done virus, adware/spyware scans, and I'm sure my system is good enough for GW (Intel Core 2 6300, 1GB RAM, GeForce 7300GS). I've reinstalled the game, too.
Since the reconnection feature in GW doesn't work if you never load in the game in the first place, this gets kind of annoying. Any suggestions?
Internet crashing on loading screens
is it certain areas or is it totaly random? I know i have run into some problems in the Vabbi area of the game but I know its my video card that is causing those issues.
I would guess it is a bottleneck when you are trying to download so much info at one time. Do you have anything running in the background that is using bandwidth like a live weather or stock feature. Go through your task manager and see what is running.