Loot / PvE/Raids / PvP questions.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jan 2007

Hi, I just quit WoW today b/c it took too much of my time and bought Nightfall and Factions. I've been playing for a few hours now, but just have a few questions to ask, if you guys would be so kind in help me answer!

1) This game so far doesn't seem too dependent on having good loot. So are there any end game loot for specific classes (if so, is there links that I could check them out)? Is finding these items as time consuming as WoW b/c it seems like every lvl 20 comes pretty close to having the same quality of loot.

2) Does this game have good PVE content as WoW. I mean I don't think there are instances/raids like in WoW, unless I've been misinformed?

3) I like to do lots of PvP in the end. Since you are limited to only making 6 characters, will I have to make a characters of every class to obtain all the locked skills. Is there any other way?... seems like a harsh and long labour :S


Edit by:Ashleigh McMahon: Changed title to be more relevant to the post. Please take note.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jun 2006


Old Married Gamers {OMG}


First welcome...

An answer to your first question is...this game is more about skill builds/and tactics rather than having elite loot. You can get any and all weapons from collectors or crafters that are just as good as any "rare" item. The only difference is the look or "skin" of the weapon.


You can join in PVP at any time by creating a PVP character or lvling a PVE character up to lvl 20 and going to the battle islands. You are not limited to 6 spaces as you can purchase more in the online store or buy the next chapter for an additional 2 spaces.

Not sure as I have never played WoW but if you are looking for something that is almost the same PVE wise I doubt if guildwars is what you are looking for

You can unlock skills by either playing thru the PVE side of the game or by winning in PVP for each kill you get a certain amount of factions....you can unlock skills with factions..normal skills = 1000 factions elite skills = 3000 factions.

A great place for you to look for info would be www.guildwiki.org

Welcome once again





Join Date: Jul 2005

PvP gear is free and you can create what you need with any creation of a PvP only character. The only limits are based on what items you have unlocked, either thorugh PvE or with faction. Item unlocks are possibly the stupidest idea in any "competitive" PvP game ever concieved.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Sep 2006



Originally Posted by RiCeVeRyDaY
1) This game so far doesn't seem too dependent on having good loot. So are there any end game loot for specific classes (if so, is there links that I could check them out)? Is finding these items as time consuming as WoW b/c it seems like every lvl 20 comes pretty close to having the same quality of loot.
There are endgame weapons and armour, which can be expensive to buy, but have no bonuses over items that can be acquired earlier, and usually at less cost. They are for looks only.

Originally Posted by RiCeVeRyDaY
3) I like to do lots of PvP in the end. Since you are limited to only making 6 characters, will I have to make a characters of every class to obtain all the locked skills. Is there any other way?... seems like a harsh and long labour :S
You can unlock skills through PvP - winning battles gains you faction, which you can use to unlock skills with a Priest of Balthazar.
You are not limited to 6 character slots, though. If you buy Prophecies - the original GW game - you will get 2 more, and you can also buy more at the in-game shop for about £5 (don't know how much in the US - $9 or $10?). I have 10 characters; one of each profession, so that I can do my unlocking the hard way (I don't PvP very much =P), plus three mules and a spare character slot - 14 in total ^^

For armour: http://gw.gamewikis.org/wiki/Armor_types
Ascended / 15k armour = prestige armour, including endgame armour ^^