CAP(ing) skills


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Dec 2006

San Jose, CA

Fatal Prescription [Rx]


hey all, i was wondering when u cap skills, u can only cap skills that r the same as your primary/secondary profession or jst primary?

i am at a huge disadvantage bcuz i only have prophecies/nightfall

i am currently running a D/W build at nightfall, and i have recently capped Balth, lyssa, melandru, and reapers sweep

and i have changed my secondary profession to learn more skills to teach to my heroes, and i have spent lots of skill points and money for skills for them

i am currenltly at 1k for me to buy a skill, which rly sucks i should of bought more CAP sigs when it was still cheap...

my dilema is that ive been searching good build for my heroes but its hard to fill in my skills bars when i only have prophecies/nightfall

i was hoping you guys can direct with builds with skills that i can aquire thru proph/nf...i know its not gnna be the best...but i jst need it to work...ive tried copyin the ones that i see in the sticky threads but i end up having 3-4 empty slots

This is what i have myself and heroes at the moment

D/W(Me) build -
Myth - 12
Sword - 12
Tactics - 6

Dunk(Mo/Me - Protection monk) -
Inspiration - 9
Protection - 13
Divine - 9

Tahl(Mo/Me - Healing Monk) -
Inspiration - 20
Healing - 20
Divine - 3

Koss(W/Mo) -
Healing - 4
Strength - 12
Sword - 12
Tactics - 5

Zhed(E/N) -
Death - 11
Fire - 10
Energy Storage - 10

Sousuke(E/N) -
Death - 11
Fire - 10
Energy - 10

i will take any suggestions...i dont have currently all the heroes but it would be awesome if you can post them

thnx again in advance you guys have really been helpful for me to get thru this game and makin it fun to pwn



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2005


Wizardry Players Guild,

You can cap skills of either profession. You can change your 2nd and go cap skills you missed the first time through.

I have all 3 chapters but with your 2 there should be no lack of good skills, heck "back in the day" we survived with just Prophecies.

I'd say in general to focus each hero on 2 attributes, like heal + divine or prot + divine for monks, fire + energy for elementalist, etc. Koss may have weapon + strength + tactics, look at the skills in use and assign them accordingly.

There are boards here for each profession and also one for heroes, plus guildwiki has a ton of builds so there is no need to post them.

T N Player

T N Player

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Nov 2006

The Bay Area


why did u give sousuke and zhed with death?

Keira Darkwind

Keira Darkwind

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: May 2005


Clan Arthur


What you can do as well is unlock skills via PVP (balthazar faction)
That doesn't help I know with you not having factions, but it's easier and faster than capping in PVE (spent ages trying to cap Psychic Distraction, then realised all that balth faction I got in the snowball arena was adding up so used it to buy the skill for my Heroes)