State of the Game - Jan 3, 2007
State of the Game - Jan 3, 2007
Few highlights:
- Ladder overhaul (anti smurf?)
- Last ladder reset
- Qualifying points?
Few highlights:
- Ladder overhaul (anti smurf?)
- Last ladder reset
- Qualifying points?
Hand of Ruin
When does the ladder reset? I read the article but couldn't find a date.
The ladder was reset on January 1, I think.
All get your flame shields ready.
If it works as well as they claim then it will be the one of the best things they've done in a while.
Here's hoping.
Here's hoping.
Jas D
Originally Posted by Clord
All get your flame shields ready.
Originally Posted by Jas D
Where can I get one of these?
I'll take one NOW
lol means absolutely nothing. PvP is dead as far as I'm concerned. even the die hard people that played it in the beginning and nothing else have moved on to the PvE portion of the game because THAT is where the population is. The people that play PvP now are in it for a reason of their own, and more power to them. If that's all they want, then there is a cheap version of the game just for them. but I'm sure no one can argue that the PvP only web sales of GW campaigns are not that big a sellers because without the full and lucrative storylines of PvE in all the chapters its hardly worth it to be bothered...
Most guild will just say, so what. they want more people to play in ladders. big deal... Its not going to effect people participating in other things. and it will very likly not encourage people to change the way they play. Not much will at this point. So if Anet feels they want to do this just for tinker sake, they should just say so, but doing it do "improve the PvP meta game" is not really much of nothing to player that couldn't care less for PvP anyway.
We keep a guild hall for our own private town. that's it. That's all its good for in my opinion. The fact that we can do Minor little nothing skirmishes is all the more bonus. But as far as GvG or PvP goes, Its a waste of time.
And as for the competitive competitions that take you to out of the way countries, well no one could pay me enough money to go to one of those things outside of the US. so as far as I am concerned, You have fun at those. I would sooner be disemboweled.
Most guild will just say, so what. they want more people to play in ladders. big deal... Its not going to effect people participating in other things. and it will very likly not encourage people to change the way they play. Not much will at this point. So if Anet feels they want to do this just for tinker sake, they should just say so, but doing it do "improve the PvP meta game" is not really much of nothing to player that couldn't care less for PvP anyway.
We keep a guild hall for our own private town. that's it. That's all its good for in my opinion. The fact that we can do Minor little nothing skirmishes is all the more bonus. But as far as GvG or PvP goes, Its a waste of time.
And as for the competitive competitions that take you to out of the way countries, well no one could pay me enough money to go to one of those things outside of the US. so as far as I am concerned, You have fun at those. I would sooner be disemboweled.
To me GvG seems fun and all but on the other hand a kind of grind. But thats all I'm saying. I'll just keep my Flame Shield up right now.
Lol Still selling Flame Shield 5k!
Lol Still selling Flame Shield 5k!
I'll take 3.
Sorry I really don't mean to be cyinical... Its just I get frustrated when I see a thing like this that is only going to stir up the players that are left in PvP and make them mad. And in the end that is why I stopped playing that part of the game. if one little thing happens to it they get so upset... So when the whole skill rebalence happens in a few days, and the new ranking system is implamented. All these tiger and dragon flashers are going to go crazy over the changes. and that I am not looking forward too.
Originally Posted by =HT=Ingram
lol means absolutely nothing. PvP is dead as far as I'm concerned. even the die hard people that played it in the beginning and nothing else have moved on to the PvE portion of the game because THAT is where the population is. The people that play PvP now are in it for a reason of their own, and more power to them. If that's all they want, then there is a cheap version of the game just for them. but I'm sure no one can argue that the PvP only web sales of GW campaigns are not that big a sellers because without the full and lucrative storylines of PvE in all the chapters its hardly worth it to be bothered...
The only PvP for me that's fun it GvG, Alliance battles and those battles like in PvE Luxon against Kurzicks, further I hate RA, TA and all another arena's.
The reason? TA team are made out of spikers, touchers or anything that kills you in less then a few seconds, to me not that much fun and yes maybe I can defeat them, but what happens next? team of energy or health degen? People who play there with no live in teams they never change are owning these Arena's, I don't mean PWN but basicly it's started to be there property, and startes are doomed to lose 4ever unless you don't have a life.
RA, leavers leavers and dumbasses, that's all I can say.
HA, retards that don't accept you unless you got a maxed out Arena title or they know you.
I think Anet should start a Poll to actually see how people think about the PvP. Personally I want to spend more time in PvE then PvP, just because it's ways more fun.
The reason? TA team are made out of spikers, touchers or anything that kills you in less then a few seconds, to me not that much fun and yes maybe I can defeat them, but what happens next? team of energy or health degen? People who play there with no live in teams they never change are owning these Arena's, I don't mean PWN but basicly it's started to be there property, and startes are doomed to lose 4ever unless you don't have a life.
RA, leavers leavers and dumbasses, that's all I can say.
HA, retards that don't accept you unless you got a maxed out Arena title or they know you.
I think Anet should start a Poll to actually see how people think about the PvP. Personally I want to spend more time in PvE then PvP, just because it's ways more fun.
I dunno about you guys but people are grinding their way to the top like theres no tomorrow, SF, Lighting Bolt spam for everyone!!1
Originally Posted by Iscana
The only PvP for me that's fun it GvG, Alliance battles and those battles like in PvE Luxon against Kurzicks, further I hate RA, TA and all another arena's.
The reason? TA team are made out of spikers, touchers or anything that kills you in less then a few seconds, to me not that much fun and yes maybe I can defeat them, but what happens next? team of energy or health degen? People who play there with no live in teams they never change are owning these Arena's, I don't mean PWN but basicly it's started to be there property, and startes are doomed to lose 4ever unless you don't have a life. RA, leavers leavers and dumbasses, that's all I can say. HA, retards that don't accept you unless you got a maxed out Arena title or they know you. I think Anet should start a Poll to actually see how people think about the PvP. Personally I want to spend more time in PvE then PvP, just because it's ways more fun. |
I base that info on the results of HoH announcements and posted ladders. Personally the only PvP I enjoyed was Alliance battles and team arenas, But I did play quite a bit of HoH when it was in the tombs. Since battle isle not much at all as most of the people I knew that had tigers at that time moved on to other things and I just didn't like the way the game and quality of players went.
The only thing that would attract me to PvP again would be if the so called Fame degenerated as Alliance faction points did. Meaning you loose a match you loose fame. You win a match you gain fame. Thus no more Grinding cookie cutter builds from the Orientals. If you suck it shows... Fame earned is twice as sweet. Fame maintained is even better.
Now to answer your question... No I do not play much PvP at all anymore, but based on the group wining halls recently, its proof that not many of the elite PvP groups are in game anymore. If some of the poser countries can steal the halls from the CCB (Cookie Cutter Build) poser guilds with such ease, and on request.
And team arenas, well just look who's in them... Give me a break.
Alliance battles was good for a while, Even better when it became 48 vs 48 for that oh so sweet period of time at release of Nightfall. However even I said that had to go cause it was not fair to those that owned Factions only to have such dominate team sizes that they could not make themselves. Fair is fair. But it sure was fun with a 48 vs 48 area like that.
I think the PvP I appreciate the most is the Fort Aspenwood and the Jade Quarry (IF IT WAS EVER PLAYED!) I enjoy the Nightfall Hero battle arena as well, but not really all that much... I still prefer my Alliance Pugs for doing DoA and Other fun missions, Heck even a prophecies mission or two here or there if we have a few allies in need of a group back there for something. I enjoy that by far more then the type of cookie cutter only builds that go on in PvP now days... The Golden months of PvP was easily the Early Tombs HoH days. Sorry, thats just the way I see it... I'm not knocking you guys, if you like it its all yours my friend. I'm just saying don't expect a rush of competition to join you anytime soon, that is not already there. Cause we are done with that part of the game as it is today.
The only thing that would attract me to PvP again would be if the so called Fame degenerated as Alliance faction points did. Meaning you loose a match you loose fame. You win a match you gain fame. Thus no more Grinding cookie cutter builds from the Orientals. If you suck it shows... Fame earned is twice as sweet. Fame maintained is even better.
Now to answer your question... No I do not play much PvP at all anymore, but based on the group wining halls recently, its proof that not many of the elite PvP groups are in game anymore. If some of the poser countries can steal the halls from the CCB (Cookie Cutter Build) poser guilds with such ease, and on request.
And team arenas, well just look who's in them... Give me a break.
Alliance battles was good for a while, Even better when it became 48 vs 48 for that oh so sweet period of time at release of Nightfall. However even I said that had to go cause it was not fair to those that owned Factions only to have such dominate team sizes that they could not make themselves. Fair is fair. But it sure was fun with a 48 vs 48 area like that.
I think the PvP I appreciate the most is the Fort Aspenwood and the Jade Quarry (IF IT WAS EVER PLAYED!) I enjoy the Nightfall Hero battle arena as well, but not really all that much... I still prefer my Alliance Pugs for doing DoA and Other fun missions, Heck even a prophecies mission or two here or there if we have a few allies in need of a group back there for something. I enjoy that by far more then the type of cookie cutter only builds that go on in PvP now days... The Golden months of PvP was easily the Early Tombs HoH days. Sorry, thats just the way I see it... I'm not knocking you guys, if you like it its all yours my friend. I'm just saying don't expect a rush of competition to join you anytime soon, that is not already there. Cause we are done with that part of the game as it is today.
Originally Posted by =HT=Ingram
Thus no more Grinding cookie cutter builds from the Orientals...
Originally Posted by Iscana
The reason? TA team are made out of spikers, touchers or anything that kills you in less then a few seconds, to me not that much fun and yes maybe I can defeat them, but what happens next? team of energy or health degen? People who play there with no live in teams they never change are owning these Arena's, I don't mean PWN but basicly it's started to be there property, and startes are doomed to lose 4ever unless you don't have a life.
Also, orientals don't make fame/rating farming builds. All pvp-farming builds are made and played by europe/america.
Also, since when do you use alliance points if you lose a battle?
Sorry, but your points are all crap/not true/make no sense.
Deleet -> read new players guide.
Allience battles was never true PvP, reason => Random teams.
The same way RA, and HB isn't either FYI.
I haven't seen a toucher in RA/TA for a long time, your statement is wrong. (yes i play quite a bit RA and occationally(and after 10 wins) get to TA.
You do know that most people are stupid right?
So when playing with you Guild and you find out that you're missing one
player, what do you do? - Get a PUG guy.
And how do we know, that he knows how to play?(see first point).
Usually, people who played before, has a generel idea how to play. (Mark the word, usually - not always.)
We need a system to check if the player who is about to join our team, has an idea about how to play. - Viola! Rank system.
Allience battles was never true PvP, reason => Random teams.
The same way RA, and HB isn't either FYI.
I haven't seen a toucher in RA/TA for a long time, your statement is wrong. (yes i play quite a bit RA and occationally(and after 10 wins) get to TA.
You do know that most people are stupid right?
So when playing with you Guild and you find out that you're missing one
player, what do you do? - Get a PUG guy.
And how do we know, that he knows how to play?(see first point).
Usually, people who played before, has a generel idea how to play. (Mark the word, usually - not always.)
We need a system to check if the player who is about to join our team, has an idea about how to play. - Viola! Rank system.
Originally Posted by =HT=Ingram
I base that info on the results of HoH announcements and posted ladders. Personally the only PvP I enjoyed was Alliance battles and team arenas, But I did play quite a bit of HoH when it was in the tombs. Since battle isle not much at all as most of the people I knew that had tigers at that time moved on to other things and I just didn't like the way the game and quality of players went.
The only thing that would attract me to PvP again would be if the so called Fame degenerated as Alliance faction points did. Meaning you loose a match you loose fame. You win a match you gain fame. Thus no more Grinding cookie cutter builds from the Orientals. If you suck it shows... Fame earned is twice as sweet. Fame maintained is even better. Now to answer your question... No I do not play much PvP at all anymore, but based on the group wining halls recently, its proof that not many of the elite PvP groups are in game anymore. If some of the poser countries can steal the halls from the CCB (Cookie Cutter Build) poser guilds with such ease, and on request. And team arenas, well just look who's in them... Give me a break. Alliance battles was good for a while, Even better when it became 48 vs 48 for that oh so sweet period of time at release of Nightfall. However even I said that had to go cause it was not fair to those that owned Factions only to have such dominate team sizes that they could not make themselves. Fair is fair. But it sure was fun with a 48 vs 48 area like that. I think the PvP I appreciate the most is the Fort Aspenwood and the Jade Quarry (IF IT WAS EVER PLAYED!) I enjoy the Nightfall Hero battle arena as well, but not really all that much... I still prefer my Alliance Pugs for doing DoA and Other fun missions, Heck even a prophecies mission or two here or there if we have a few allies in need of a group back there for something. I enjoy that by far more then the type of cookie cutter only builds that go on in PvP now days... The Golden months of PvP was easily the Early Tombs HoH days. Sorry, thats just the way I see it... I'm not knocking you guys, if you like it its all yours my friend. I'm just saying don't expect a rush of competition to join you anytime soon, that is not already there. Cause we are done with that part of the game as it is today. |
sweeping generalizations.
You opinion is the equivalent of a player giving the same 'insight' about PvE when the only thing they have played is pre-searing.
And yes you are correct - some hardcore PvP have left PvP. But trust me, they did not leave for GW PvE. Because the general consensus among primary PvPers is that only thing worse than GW PvP is PvE.
I personally think GW PvE is not that bad. It is pretty good at times. But to leave PvP for PvE - not IMHO. There are far better PvE games out there.
Once again, WTS Flame Shields 5k lol
What will happen with champion points?
Originally Posted by =HT=Ingram
lol means absolutely nothing. PvP is dead as far as I'm concerned. even the die hard people that played it in the beginning and nothing else have moved on to the PvE portion of the game because THAT is where the population is. The people that play PvP now are in it for a reason of their own, and more power to them. If that's all they want, then there is a cheap version of the game just for them. but I'm sure no one can argue that the PvP only web sales of GW campaigns are not that big a sellers because without the full and lucrative storylines of PvE in all the chapters its hardly worth it to be bothered...
Most guild will just say, so what. they want more people to play in ladders. big deal... Its not going to effect people participating in other things. and it will very likly not encourage people to change the way they play. Not much will at this point. So if Anet feels they want to do this just for tinker sake, they should just say so, but doing it do "improve the PvP meta game" is not really much of nothing to player that couldn't care less for PvP anyway. We keep a guild hall for our own private town. that's it. That's all its good for in my opinion. The fact that we can do Minor little nothing skirmishes is all the more bonus. But as far as GvG or PvP goes, Its a waste of time. And as for the competitive competitions that take you to out of the way countries, well no one could pay me enough money to go to one of those things outside of the US. so as far as I am concerned, You have fun at those. I would sooner be disemboweled. |
i frankly feel embarassed for Ingram
LOL PvP players leaving for PvE?
El Oh RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GOing El. Keep em coming man. I'm laughing hard hereeeee.
Edit: Oh damn those orientals with their oriental hacks ! keekekekekkekeeee
El Oh RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GOing El. Keep em coming man. I'm laughing hard hereeeee.
Edit: Oh damn those orientals with their oriental hacks ! keekekekekkekeeee
I'm interested in seeing if they model the new tournament system on Magic: The Gathering Online's "leagues" (linky) system - it's been quite successful as a way of unifying the casual and the hardcore and is pretty fair on ratings.
Bull. Random Arenas is against other humans, it involves fairly high-level strategy (compared to other games, as opposed to other forms of GW PvP), it has a freaking metagame, for crying out loud! In terms of raw numbers it's also one of the most popular forms of GW PvP.
All of the above applies to AB as well ('cept the popularity, maybe
). And while Hero Battles are an oddity, they're probably legitimately defined as "PvP RTS".
The only reason to deny any of the above is the warm comforting glow of elitism - that doesn't want to admit there's such a thing as low-level PvP.
Allience battles was never true PvP, reason => Random teams. The same way RA, and HB isn't either FYI. |
All of the above applies to AB as well ('cept the popularity, maybe

The only reason to deny any of the above is the warm comforting glow of elitism - that doesn't want to admit there's such a thing as low-level PvP.
Priest Of Sin
Honestly, the key to getting into PvP is to find some PvP nutcases. Like my buddy KirbyOnSpeed... his Wolf emote is to him what my Obsidian armor is to me. So, I get to leech off his success in PvP, I'm accepted into groups because HE forms them, and I get fame, and I get better. In PvE, he leeches off my success and ability to play any PvE build under the sun. He completes PvE campaigns because of me, I get a shiney golden emote because of him.
Win freakin Win.
PvP is meant to be a social thing, so the ONLY way to get into HA (almost) is to find friends who do this sort of thing, through guilds... HA guilds are always recruiting.
Win freakin Win.
PvP is meant to be a social thing, so the ONLY way to get into HA (almost) is to find friends who do this sort of thing, through guilds... HA guilds are always recruiting.
Buy a flame shield for 5k of that other dude, and stay away from PvP talk.
I beg you...
Buy a flame shield for 5k of that other dude, and stay away from PvP talk.
I beg you...
=HT=Ingram was just voicing his point. Flaming him for it is just childish and dumb.
He has some very valid points. I don't see any of these changes making a rush of new players enter pvp.
Rank and, now, champ points have essentially locked new players out of those formats. RA, Ta, and Ab is all that's left.
Players have found their niche in the game and I don't think we are going to a see huge shift in numbers from one side to the other or vice versa. Less people buy the next chapter than what bought prophecies so its not like the game population is growing.
GvG is very stressful. People play the game to get away from their stressful life and general entertainment. That alone turns most people off. Add in the fact that you need 8 players on at the same time on a regular schedule to play adds to the difficulty of being able to enter a match.
Most people want something that they can push and button and they are in.
If you like pvp then fine enjoy the pvp. If you like pve enjoy your pve. Throwing stones from one side to the other is just pointless.
Aejorii many pvp players have stopped playing pvp and went to pve. That is a very true statement. I have seen some WM members in international districts many times while going through nightfall. That doesn't mean they only do pve or pvp. Majority of players that I GvGed with during the first season only play pve now and we were a top 100 guild (back then that actually ment something). GW has a declining pvp community. That is what all these changes are about but I don't see it making much of a difference.
He has some very valid points. I don't see any of these changes making a rush of new players enter pvp.
Rank and, now, champ points have essentially locked new players out of those formats. RA, Ta, and Ab is all that's left.
Players have found their niche in the game and I don't think we are going to a see huge shift in numbers from one side to the other or vice versa. Less people buy the next chapter than what bought prophecies so its not like the game population is growing.
GvG is very stressful. People play the game to get away from their stressful life and general entertainment. That alone turns most people off. Add in the fact that you need 8 players on at the same time on a regular schedule to play adds to the difficulty of being able to enter a match.
Most people want something that they can push and button and they are in.
If you like pvp then fine enjoy the pvp. If you like pve enjoy your pve. Throwing stones from one side to the other is just pointless.
Aejorii many pvp players have stopped playing pvp and went to pve. That is a very true statement. I have seen some WM members in international districts many times while going through nightfall. That doesn't mean they only do pve or pvp. Majority of players that I GvGed with during the first season only play pve now and we were a top 100 guild (back then that actually ment something). GW has a declining pvp community. That is what all these changes are about but I don't see it making much of a difference.
Originally Posted by twicky_kid
=HT=Ingram was just voicing his point. Flaming him for it is just childish and dumb.
GvG is very stressful. People play the game to get away from their stressful life and general entertainment. That alone turns most people off. Add in the fact that you need 8 players on at the same time on a regular schedule to play adds to the difficulty of being able to enter a match. |
Aejorii many pvp players have stopped playing pvp and went to pve. That is a very true statement. |
And using WM as an example is not really saying much. I have done missions with EviL people. PvPers leave GW - they dont play PvE.
Majority of players that I GvGed with during the first season only play pve now and we were a top 100 guild (back then that actually ment something). |
So...not sure how this got into another PvP Vs PvE battle...
BUT I do think these GvG changes are quite intresting and it seems it's an alternate way to get into the higher tournament way without taking quite a while to work up the ladder(which should take MUCH longer with this new set-up)
BUT I do think these GvG changes are quite intresting and it seems it's an alternate way to get into the higher tournament way without taking quite a while to work up the ladder(which should take MUCH longer with this new set-up)
OK the oriental issue is racist I'll give you that, and Your right I don't knock the people that is still playing PvP, if that is what they like good on them. But the truth is most of the people I played with in the beginning are long gone from the game entirely and all who are left that I know from those days are playing PvE now. so thats All I ment...
As to the oriental comment, Do you know that there are Taiwan and Japan guilds that sit in ToA and tell people if they want Favor that they can pay them X amount of Plat and they will get favor for them on request? Now that is what I was meaning... And I have seen it done on way to many occasions, which is the basis of my statement. Anyone with the right cookie cutter build can go into the halls and get favor pretty fast, because there are only certain builds being used and all they need to is have a pure counter build to the norm, and its theirs for as long as they want it...
Now When I see that, This is why I left PvP. I like to do new things and have BALANCED teams, not facing the same crap over and over again forever... And yes I know PvE is just that right? well yes and no, because I don't necessarily play the same thing over and over, I go all over the game world playing all kinds of stuff, so it is very rarely boring to me. but hey thats me. Not everyone, ME. And the reason I consider the Alliance battles the only good PvP left is BECAUSE it has some randomness to it. It forces the teams to be somewhat balanced on occasion. And that is reminiscent of the good old days.
I beta tested Burning Crusade and it was great, and I fully expected that WoW would jump in popularity again with it, but 1/2 the stuff that made the WoW expansion great is now being changed to suit the lowest common factors in the game. So I and several others left WoW in the dust AGAIN. And many of us returned to our trusty GW which has never failed me yet, as far as I am concerned. I may be disappointed here or there but I adapt. What I hate is having to do stuff I find Reprehensible in order to play the game I love. and that is what PvP had become in my opinion. I have the same issues with the Traders and the gold reseller market.
IDK if you remember the old days in tombs but the concept of balenced builds was rather popular back then, as well as mixing things up every once in a while. Trying new things out. You just can not get a party together for that anymore. If its not the same old same old they just do not want to do it. So I found other things to occupy my time. As well as other games. I still play GW naturally, but its limited to the PvE stuff now, and I play PvP in things like BF2/2142, Swat4, EVE Online, ect... And I leave the PvP people to do their PvP stuff. You have no idea how happy I was to see a PvP only version of the game to keep those people happy and separate from what I like to do. As far as I'm concerned if there was a way to remove the battle isle completely from my map with exception of my Guild Hall town, I would do it. Then the problem would be solved as far as I would be concerned. They would stay in their little area while I and others like me explore the vastness of the rest of the gaming world. Unfortunately BECAUSE of PvP restrictions on balance and fairness, it prevents further character development and improvement in PvE, because we all have to be "balanced out" for the PvPers...
Here is a concept. Make PvP characters for PvP only and PvE characters for PvE only and never the twain shall meet. IMHO that would solve the problem for everyone.
OK thats it. I see this is just aggravating people so I promise you all I will shut up on this from now on . I am removing this thread from my subscription to be lost into the folds of the guru maze that is the forums. Sorry if I offended some egos here, but its only an opinion. Thats all I ever meant it to be. In many ways MY personal problem is I take this game rather seriously. TOO seriously in fact. So I am very vocal on things I feel strongly about in the game. I took months out of my life to participate in beta testing the original, and I was always very supportive on reporting bugs and exploits. So I feel in many ways a part of the team even though I am not. Thats my problem. I'll deal with it...
As to the oriental comment, Do you know that there are Taiwan and Japan guilds that sit in ToA and tell people if they want Favor that they can pay them X amount of Plat and they will get favor for them on request? Now that is what I was meaning... And I have seen it done on way to many occasions, which is the basis of my statement. Anyone with the right cookie cutter build can go into the halls and get favor pretty fast, because there are only certain builds being used and all they need to is have a pure counter build to the norm, and its theirs for as long as they want it...
Now When I see that, This is why I left PvP. I like to do new things and have BALANCED teams, not facing the same crap over and over again forever... And yes I know PvE is just that right? well yes and no, because I don't necessarily play the same thing over and over, I go all over the game world playing all kinds of stuff, so it is very rarely boring to me. but hey thats me. Not everyone, ME. And the reason I consider the Alliance battles the only good PvP left is BECAUSE it has some randomness to it. It forces the teams to be somewhat balanced on occasion. And that is reminiscent of the good old days.
I beta tested Burning Crusade and it was great, and I fully expected that WoW would jump in popularity again with it, but 1/2 the stuff that made the WoW expansion great is now being changed to suit the lowest common factors in the game. So I and several others left WoW in the dust AGAIN. And many of us returned to our trusty GW which has never failed me yet, as far as I am concerned. I may be disappointed here or there but I adapt. What I hate is having to do stuff I find Reprehensible in order to play the game I love. and that is what PvP had become in my opinion. I have the same issues with the Traders and the gold reseller market.
IDK if you remember the old days in tombs but the concept of balenced builds was rather popular back then, as well as mixing things up every once in a while. Trying new things out. You just can not get a party together for that anymore. If its not the same old same old they just do not want to do it. So I found other things to occupy my time. As well as other games. I still play GW naturally, but its limited to the PvE stuff now, and I play PvP in things like BF2/2142, Swat4, EVE Online, ect... And I leave the PvP people to do their PvP stuff. You have no idea how happy I was to see a PvP only version of the game to keep those people happy and separate from what I like to do. As far as I'm concerned if there was a way to remove the battle isle completely from my map with exception of my Guild Hall town, I would do it. Then the problem would be solved as far as I would be concerned. They would stay in their little area while I and others like me explore the vastness of the rest of the gaming world. Unfortunately BECAUSE of PvP restrictions on balance and fairness, it prevents further character development and improvement in PvE, because we all have to be "balanced out" for the PvPers...
Here is a concept. Make PvP characters for PvP only and PvE characters for PvE only and never the twain shall meet. IMHO that would solve the problem for everyone.
OK thats it. I see this is just aggravating people so I promise you all I will shut up on this from now on . I am removing this thread from my subscription to be lost into the folds of the guru maze that is the forums. Sorry if I offended some egos here, but its only an opinion. Thats all I ever meant it to be. In many ways MY personal problem is I take this game rather seriously. TOO seriously in fact. So I am very vocal on things I feel strongly about in the game. I took months out of my life to participate in beta testing the original, and I was always very supportive on reporting bugs and exploits. So I feel in many ways a part of the team even though I am not. Thats my problem. I'll deal with it...
Originally Posted by crimsonfilms
No it is very difficult to run if you are looking to compete for top 50-100. If you are looking to just grab 8 and go it is not very difficult.
Every player I know from top 100 (the supposed hard-core) left GW for other games such as WoW, other FPS and testing upcoming CORPG. It is not GW. And using WM as an example is not really saying much. I have done missions with EviL people. PvPers leave GW - they dont play PvE. It actually means less. The game was heavily broken (spirit spam, chain lightning, double smite, etc). So I am unsure by your comments. |
I never said every pvp player goes to pve. You proved your own point wrong by saying you did missions with players from EViL.
Spirit spam and chain lightning was HA not GvG. Dual smite was there but it was no worse than the AoE smiters during factions. Every season there has been gimmick builds and there still are to this day. So your point is moot.
Top 100 ment something back then because there was about 3000 guilds playing GvG at that time compared to the few hundred now. Either they quit the game or go to pve it still equals a declining pvp population.
"back then" everyone sucked at the game, only thinking about the builds used during 2005 gives me a headache
Originally Posted by =HT=Ingram
As to the oriental comment, Do you know that there are Taiwan and Japan guilds that sit in ToA and tell people if they want Favor that they can pay them X amount of Plat and they will get favor for them on request? |
Originally Posted by twicky_kid
If you are not going to try to compete in the top 50-100 then why would you GvG in the first place?
that make sense?
And with Ingrams comment - he should be PvEing because obviously PvP is not something we are all cut to do.
I never said every pvp player goes to pve. You proved your own point wrong by saying you did missions with players from EViL. |
Spirit spam and chain lightning was HA not GvG. Dual smite was there but it was no worse than the AoE smiters during factions. Every season there has been gimmick builds and there still are to this day. So your point is moot. |
Are you sure you played that much?
Even if you think AoE and ER dual smiting is the same, it still does not negate the horrible inbalance of early GW.
Top 100 ment something back then because there was about 3000 guilds playing GvG at that time compared to the few hundred now. Either they quit the game or go to pve it still equals a declining pvp population. |
I don't even know how to address such misinformed comment.
For one, there where a LOT more smurf guilds back then filling the top 100. NEgative Zero had like 3-4 in the top 50 alone. Uni had 2-3. iQ had 1-2. So did WM, EP, Val, etc. So your so called meaningfull ladder was mostly top guilds and the 'rest'. And the difference between the top guild and the rest was HUGE!
I would like you to find one top guild and say that top 100 'meant more' back then. You won't.