Personal message system
Njaiguni Blaze
Seeing as I somehow made people believe I don't believe in petitons and suggestions, I wanted to start one.
iI've been thinking of adding a personal message system into Guild Wars. Something like a post office. I've encountered some times I've wanted to send a message to a guildie or a friend of mine. This could also help for that person who needed help and you looked it up for him/her, or someone who wanted to sell/buy something and suddenly got offline. I think it will contribute to more community.
And I know people are going to say, "ot will be abused by people". Well, there would be no other easier and clearer way to report someone with this involved.
Gimme your thoughts.
iI've been thinking of adding a personal message system into Guild Wars. Something like a post office. I've encountered some times I've wanted to send a message to a guildie or a friend of mine. This could also help for that person who needed help and you looked it up for him/her, or someone who wanted to sell/buy something and suddenly got offline. I think it will contribute to more community.
And I know people are going to say, "ot will be abused by people". Well, there would be no other easier and clearer way to report someone with this involved.
Gimme your thoughts.
This has been suggested many times. It is partly possible through the guild message, but that's about it. It'd be nice.
Once again, I
Once again, I
shifting shadows
/signed. 123456789
Fallen Hunter
Would be very useful, especially if you could send items through it. Not for trade, but it means you can send an item to a guildie without having to actually meet them, or even for them to be online.
Would be very useful, especially if you could send items through it. Not for trade, but it means you can send an item to a guildie without having to actually meet them, or even for them to be online.
Njaiguni Blaze
Originally Posted by Fallen Hunter
Would be very useful, especially if you could send items through it. Not for trade, but it means you can send an item to a guildie without having to actually meet them, or even for them to be online. |

Curse You
I believe it was Gaile who said that they will not add the ability to send items to other players, because it would just get abused by gold sellers.
Njaiguni Blaze
Originally Posted by Curse You
I believe it was Gaile who said that they will not add the ability to send items to other players, because it would just get abused by gold sellers.

I do a lot of talking to my guildies through irc, but there are people in the game who don't use it and it'd be nice to be able to send them messages that they can see when they log back on. For example, this would make it a lot easier to arrange a FoW party consisting of just friends. Sending them all a message with the date and time of a possible get-together would work nicely.
I do a lot of talking to my guildies through irc, but there are people in the game who don't use it and it'd be nice to be able to send them messages that they can see when they log back on. For example, this would make it a lot easier to arrange a FoW party consisting of just friends. Sending them all a message with the date and time of a possible get-together would work nicely.
I wouldn't mind a small text box for a character bio. And, yeah, this has porbably been suggested a hundred times already.
Still, /sign
Still, /sign
/signed for message/mail box
Much easier to communicate with off-line Guildies - getting them to check the forums is a headache!!!
NO to the items - there is a trade window for swapping or passing over things to others, and this can wait till the other person is online.
Much easier to communicate with off-line Guildies - getting them to check the forums is a headache!!!
NO to the items - there is a trade window for swapping or passing over things to others, and this can wait till the other person is online.
Njaiguni Blaze
Anyone else? So far yes to the PM/Mailbox and no to the item sending. I can get into that though, I see the reasons why not.
my god,we need this
Anarion Silverhand