Collectable items
Old Ale-1 use remaining
The stupid mouth
effect: You fell the effect of ale sink in for 3 minutes
The undeads drink
Beer arms
Effect: You run 25% faster for 15 minutes and feel the effect of the undeads drink
Fat Bastdeads drink
Head ake
effect: You fell the effect of Fat Bastdeads drink for 5 minutes
Bowl of Penuts:
dont know anyone got something?
greedy Tunic
(Turns you into a lepercon for 40 minutes)
Viking hat of Bastdead
a big viking hat
Dwarven Party hat
you know what it looks like
Fat Bastdeads drinks on the house
Fat Bastdeads drink falls all over the ground some assined to people and many finders keepers just like the presents did on wintersday.
Event characters
Fat Bastdead- A undead dwarf from many years ago that drank himself to death one night after finding out his dog died, the undead man still lives on drinking away with his fellow followers.
(This man is no ordinary dwarve he is 5ft"11" and weights a ton)the man is also a collector that rewards you with his special drinks
The followers- 5 drunken dwarves that have had a past life with thier friend Fat Bastdead they tell storys as they run around half naked around town
The Clover Pickers- the dwarves that manage the lucky and unlucky games
The leaf clovers
a Game where you take chances with your clovers used a tickets to win clovers to gain your lucky and unlucky titles
Find Fat Bastdeads dogs soul
reward 250 exp
5 Fat Bastdeads drink
Find the drunken dwarf
a dwarf got drunk on the way here.Can you go find him?
reward 250 exp
5 old ale
I wish i could show you what I drew ...but come on anet i drew it out for you and if anyone has anything to add....DO IT!!! we need more...but no scenery stuff unless its little..thanks for your time, and again i was inspired to do this. I did not think of this on my own but all the ideas are mine.thanks...