question on party size & secondary profession


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jan 2007

first... when can i group with 3 people (2 other players)? me and my 2 friends are going to be playing... what level would we have to be so we can all group together? lvl 1 only allows 1 other player..

secondly.. at what level and how can i get my secondary profession?

thanks in advance.

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Academy Page

Join Date: Jul 2006

All over the place

Broken Circle


I'm assuming you have prophecies because that is the only chapter that has groups of 2.

Just follow the quests, eventually you will go to a time jump and after that jump you will be able to have parties of 4, then 6, then 8.

You will get your secondary after following the quests for a while. You can chose once, and then are not able to change it until about 2/3 through the game.

Shadow of Light

Shadow of Light

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2006



Your level has nothing to do with how many people can join you. Do all the Primary Quests and you'll quickly be able to make a party of 4, but remember that if you skip all the other quests you'll miss out on a lot of the rewards (which include skills and experience).



Forge Runner

Join Date: Nov 2006

Crazy ducks from the Forest


I believe an expanded answer is needed.

However, you seem to be in the so called "pre-searing" part of the game. That part of the game is essentially just a large tutorial during which you familiarize yourself with the game and acquire your secondary class.

The party size is determined only by the area in which the party is being formed. The player level has no effect on this. As such, the area you are in is limited to parties of two people. The rest of the game areas allow parties of at least 4 people, so the second you finish pre-searing, you'll be able to play with your friends.

As for your secondary profession, you can acquire it at lvl 1, essentially. The whole pre-searing is intended to introduce you to the secondary classes by temporarily "giving" you a secondary class, so you can try out all of them. However, you can simply accept the first secondary class you are offered, and have it almost instantly (all it would take would be a walk to the class giver and performing his/her quest). A mesmer secondary could be acquired in 5 minutes, as the trainer is right outside the city gates .

However, for a new player, I'd suggest thoroughly playing through presearing - you get your basic skill set from the quests there. Also, once you leave presearing, you'll never be able to return...


Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Mar 2005

A little chalet outside Drok's

Natural Born Killaz

[QUOTE=sithik]first... when can i group with 3 people (2 other players)? me and my 2 friends are going to be playing... what level would we have to be so we can all group together? lvl 1 only allows 1 other player..[quote]
I assume by the "are going to be playing" part that you haven't bought the game yet. In the Original GW (Prophecies) you'll start out in an area where the party size is 2. Later on in the game, it goes up to 4, then 6, then8. If you get factions or Nightfall, you'll be able to form parties of 4 right away, and not long afterwards you'll be able to form parties of 8

secondly.. at what level and how can i get my secondary profession?
In Prophecies, you can get your secondary profession fairly quickly. Once you do the initial quest for your primary profession, you can see Sir Tydus (either him of the NPC right by him - can't recall) and he'll give you a quest to get your secondary profession. You'll probably hit level 2 by doing just these quests. In Nightfall, you have to be level 5 to get your secondary profession (You'll be given a quest to reach level 5) - it doesn't take more than a couple of hours to get to level 5 though. In factions, I don't know how it works, as I never created a character there.