Now I know racing and marathon ideas within GW have been said before but not on a scale like this. My previous guild was planning to do a similar event but I would like to open this one to the community. The purpose of this thread is to simply get from the community here a reaction as to how many people will be interested in participating in an event like this and how many wouldn't. The reason is because it will take me weeks to plan out an entire course (seeing as I have to completely play through the game again/come up with ideas for challenges/script the dialogue/create clues/etc.) and I don't want to waste my time if people aren't going to sign-up. I have already come up with most rules of the game to make the event fun and challenging as well as an effective way to prohibit cheating as much as I can (but I hope that the people who would take part in this are already honest as it is for fun). Now on to some extremely general info on the race:
The event will be very very similar to the Amazing Race show on TV. The game used for the course will be GW Prophecies. A team will consist of four players. The race will be divided into legs for each part of the race (final number of legs is not known so far as I haven't created the course yet). There will be Detours and Road Blocks (if you watch the TV show you will know what I'm talking about) throughout the race. The Detours and Road Blocks will consist of mandatory quests that must be done or unique challenges created by me (for example killing a boss). The race will span the entire continent of Tyria, that includes all the missions and mostly all areas. The race will begin with newly created characters in Pre-Searing Ascalon and go all the way to Hell's Precipice. The teams will be scored based on times and each team will do their leg separately (which makes it easier for me to just focus on one team running the race at a time rather then multiple teams that will make it impossible for me to run correctly). At the end of each leg, the team with the slowest time may or may not be eliminated (I could make it cumulative where each team adds their previous leg times to the current one to decide the team to be eliminated or I can start each team with a clean slate at the beginning of every leg to add a bit more luck/randomness which is what makes the actual TV show exciting to watch, this is still to be decided).
Depending on how successful the event goes (that includes no attempts of cheating from teams and maintened interest in the race by teams and people just following the event) there will be a prize. But I encourage people not to enter the race just for the prize but most importantly to have fun, which is why I won't disclose any prize info until the race is nearing completion. There is also no type of entry fee, the event is completely free.
I would AT LEAST like to have 10 teams of 4 players join the event and that would make it worth my time to plan it, and also run it. Since I would personally have to time each team separately for each leg, and each leg will approximately run around 1-2 hours probably (I could make it long or short), I will estimate that the entire competition will span around 2 months, maybe more (I will have a better time estimate once I create the course). So if your team is good and goes far into the race, be prepared to be available for the entire duration. I plan to do 1 leg per week (and it might even take a little longer as people have school/work and sometimes they cannot find time to play as much so I would have to try to schedule in teams when I can) and also the first few legs will have more teams competing, as the race continues, there will be less and less teams for me to time and the pace of the race will start to quicken. Of course I would also like the entire community (those that aren't taking part) to follow the race as well so I would post a new thread for each leg of the race (after it is completed) consisting of a synopsis of the leg, the course taken, the different challenges, and the current standings.
All I need from YOU is to post on this thread (since I can't make a poll

1) yes, I would definitely participate
2) yes, I would think of participating
3) no, unfortunately I cannot participate but am interested in the race
4) no, I cannot participate and have no interest in the race at all.
If people don't post and I don't see any feedback then I will assume that the community isn't interested. Like I said before, I at least need interest from 10 4-player teams, that is 40+ people (you don't necessarily have to have your team set already, an individual response is fine, teams can be created once the race is about to begin).
Now before you post, and if you are thinking about participating, also think if you have the time to commit about 2 hours per week into this (if you work alot and don't have very much time to play then I discourage you from participating because I don't want to have teams midway through the race who can't continue because of scheduling conflicts) and if you will be available for the two months or so that it will take to fully complete the race since I don't want teams to lose interest and quit midway either. If I do decide to make the race, I will post again with the official rules and how to sign-up once I plan the entire competition, which will take some time.
I don't mind putting the work into creating this race if enough people actually care. I think this could be a really fun event for those who want to attend and those who will just follow it on the forums. I welcome any comments and questions, you can post on this thread or pm me privately.