Introduce VERY strict anti-spam through all chat/trade chat
Not A Fifty Five
Nobody is going to use the search feature without this, honestly. I don't see more than 5% of people switching to search. Seems a shame to waste work on a function that is not used.
I have to agree, provides a new means of trading, but implements nothing to stop the W T S, Selling/buying spam in local.
If anything massive improvements need to be added to the local channel filters. And it would have to be constantly updated to prevent people doing work arounds.
Till then I don't see the new Search method being used in the long run.
Spam is fine in trade, its only Local that needs some TLC.
If anything massive improvements need to be added to the local channel filters. And it would have to be constantly updated to prevent people doing work arounds.
Till then I don't see the new Search method being used in the long run.
Spam is fine in trade, its only Local that needs some TLC.
The only way they could do this, is if they had a system in place which looks at what you just sent to the chat window, and then looks at what your re-sending.
If their identical, it doesnt allow it.
But I expect they allow you to send identical messages for a reason. Imagine when you have lag and your message isnt sent and you re-send it incase.
Or if you need to repeat something, because someone else is asking the same question.
The above system would restrict this unfairly. Unless they added a time count between bannings. But that would also get exploited by spammers.
The only effective solution I can see is to have unlimited ignores. If people realise that we can ignore them perminantly, they might think twice about spamming.
If their identical, it doesnt allow it.
But I expect they allow you to send identical messages for a reason. Imagine when you have lag and your message isnt sent and you re-send it incase.
Or if you need to repeat something, because someone else is asking the same question.
The above system would restrict this unfairly. Unless they added a time count between bannings. But that would also get exploited by spammers.
The only effective solution I can see is to have unlimited ignores. If people realise that we can ignore them perminantly, they might think twice about spamming.
Employ some student on holidays for a week and give out week long bans for excessive trading in local. Do this a few times, unanounced and it will scare the hell out of everyone and it will kill it pretty easily.
Banning is not the option, better filters are the best solution.
aron searle
Maybe if it wasnt such a tiny improvement over spamming trade people would use it more.
I think this idea is essentially sticking a plaster over something rather than fixing it.
Trading in local i agree (well not really but for arguments sake) should be stopped, but without actual mods to enforce it, no system will stop it and will only have bugs that will annoy genuine users of local (lol).
Spamming in trade should be allowed, (maybe with some restrictions), the reason being that people are constantly leaving or entering a district so sending it once is a waste of time.
I think this idea is essentially sticking a plaster over something rather than fixing it.
Trading in local i agree (well not really but for arguments sake) should be stopped, but without actual mods to enforce it, no system will stop it and will only have bugs that will annoy genuine users of local (lol).
Spamming in trade should be allowed, (maybe with some restrictions), the reason being that people are constantly leaving or entering a district so sending it once is a waste of time.
Well they already have anything that starts with "WTB" or "WTS" automatically go into the trade box. The issue I have with the search thing is that..You can't really fit a whole lot in there o.O I can't even fit "WTS 750 Tanned Hides 10g, 7k all" in it o.O So if they could make the text longer, even as long as in the chat that would be good. Also, being able to make multiple DIFFERENT entries would help as well. That way you can be specific and people can see the item faster instead of having to read through 3 different items on the same line.
It's just really hard to try and filter something into the trade window as there are different ways a person could try to sell their stuff, like with the symbols and spacing and just different wording.
I don't want to discourage trade in the chatbox because you can catch people's attention faster that's just that when it's in the local channel that it's annoying.
To be honest, - and this is going to back to my old Ragnarok Online days, which was the only other MMORPG I've played to date - I think it would be cool if we could set up vendor shops within the outposts. Then there would be no need to keep shouting and trying to fit so much in one line. Just sit there and people come in and buy.
But again, that probably won't happen since it has been done before =\ dunno if WoW or other places do it.
eh-heh, i JUST saw the thread about private shops ^^;; i guess people had similar ideas huh?
It's just really hard to try and filter something into the trade window as there are different ways a person could try to sell their stuff, like with the symbols and spacing and just different wording.
I don't want to discourage trade in the chatbox because you can catch people's attention faster that's just that when it's in the local channel that it's annoying.
To be honest, - and this is going to back to my old Ragnarok Online days, which was the only other MMORPG I've played to date - I think it would be cool if we could set up vendor shops within the outposts. Then there would be no need to keep shouting and trying to fit so much in one line. Just sit there and people come in and buy.
But again, that probably won't happen since it has been done before =\ dunno if WoW or other places do it.
eh-heh, i JUST saw the thread about private shops ^^;; i guess people had similar ideas huh?
Not A Fifty Five
search is district wide. They would only need to send it once. I Know this addition would stunt trade a little. However, this would fully solve the problem of spam.
aron searle
Originally Posted by Not A Fifty Five
search is district wide.
1 post only, so that means 1 item only
You pretty much have to stay at the keyboard, so just like trade channel, in fact if your having to idle you may as well do something like use trade channel

not enought text
And just to emphasis your message goes when you do, so its not fire and forget like an auction house.
However, this would fully solve the problem of spam. |