Guild Hall
To get a Guild hall I have heard you either have to have held the Hall of Heroes for a bit or buy it, but how much does it cost to buy one and where would you get it?
When you preview the guild halls there is an NPC there that sells them, just check him for the latest price.
should be able to do it in any city with a guild rep...purchase a sigil once you start "previewing" the guild halls and when u find one u like trade it....last i checked you could get a sigil for about 13k but that been awhile so its probably even cheaper.
How do you preview halls and where can we find a Guild rep (There's none in Ascalon...)
go to lions arch
I could be wrong here but I think Lions arch is the first place to get a guild hall.
darn to slow lol.
darn to slow lol.
What reagion is lions arch in? (Hope you can tell I got the game 4 days ago)
Just follow the missions and you'll get there normally.
Ascalon > North Shiverpeaks > Kryta (Lions Arch).
Ascalon > North Shiverpeaks > Kryta (Lions Arch).
I was previewing them today and the sigil trader was offering it to me for only 8.5K so if its that low tomorrow im going to get my guild a hall
The Pointless
The price of sigils doesn't fluctuate that much. By tomorrow in your time zone, it will probably only creep up by 1K at the worst, perhaps not even that.