does anyone know how to gain these titles?

terminus guardian
Sarevok Thordin
Originally Posted by winkgood
ANet has dropped the ball on this one. There is currently no way to max the sunspear title since they nerfed the afk farm way of getting it. I never really considered this a legitimate method anyway because if you err'7ed or messed up at all, you would be stuck at sunspear rank 8 forever. A similar story with the lightbringer title. The only sane way to obtain the max level was to afk farm it. ANet stepped in and trounced this after a large group had already maxed out the title. Talk about balance in the game.. or lack thereof. You have a select group running around with max lightbringer while the rest of us stuck at rank 3-5.
Xunlai Master
Cuthroat Dibbler
Originally Posted by Sarevok Thordin
At least you know who the AFKers are.
Griff Mon
Originally Posted by talon
I think Anet are being silly about this, trying to over-complicate an easy update. All they have to do is simply make it so that you can continue to get Bounties until Spearmarshal. I have a feeling they are making some stupid unnecessary way of doing it, that will not be fun at all.
Originally Posted by winkgood
My point for the holy lightbringer thing is why make it so hard to max a title that actually offers in game advantage? Especially since there are a group of players that maxed it the AFK method and the rest are stuck spending 5 hours a day for 3 months trying to get it. If there were no damage reduction or +% dmg associated with lightbringer then I wouldn't have room to complain. Since there is, they should make max lightbringer more attainable for the rest of us. I recommend at least upping the bounty in torment to +4 and +7 in DoA.
Crom The Pale
Whisper Evenstar
Originally Posted by Crom The Pale
The problem Anet had with maxing either of these titles is that they both apply to Kind Of a Big Deal tittle.
This is a silly excuse when you think about how easy it is to get Protector tittles maxed out and how insanely hard/expensive most all the other tittles are.... |
terminus guardian
terminus guardian