What's the best collector bow in pre-searing?



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2006


I was on guildwiki.org, and I saw that you can get an Ascalon Longbow, and an Ascalon Hornbow from different collectors. Hornbows apparently have +10 armor penetration, but it doesn't say so on the weapon. Does it still have +10 armor penetration? And if it doesn't, then which bow is better? Ascalon Longbow or Ascalon Hornbow? Thanks!




Join Date: Dec 2006




Just look at the mods, it really depends on your style of play. You can also just go to post and get a perfect bow for like 6k or something. That would probalbly be easier.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Oct 2005

Inde is Smoking [Hawt] *ToA*


Originally Posted by Mehfone
I was on guildwiki.org, and I saw that you can get an Ascalon Longbow, and an Ascalon Hornbow from different collectors. Hornbows apparently have +10 armor penetration, but it doesn't say so on the weapon. Does it still have +10 armor penetration? And if it doesn't, then which bow is better? Ascalon Longbow or Ascalon Hornbow? Thanks!
Different bows have many different uses... And yes a Hornbow has a Base 10% armor penetration but it does not show up.
Hornbows are good for spikes and dmg...(slowest Reload time)
Longbows are kinda the all purpose bow, great for pulling, yet it has a good arc so it can be used as a main bow.
Recurve Bows are mostly The best choice, good range, good reload speed, and a great arc, these bows are great when u need to hit moving/fleeing tragets.
Shortbows have the fastest reload time, but the shortest range, its good to switch to when your not attacking targets from far away and you'll really notice the reload speed compared to a hornbow.
Flatbows are kinda worthless to me, terrible arc, misses targets sooo much, only use these for pulling.

hope that helps
as far as the individual bows in pre check guildwiki.org
they have a list for every single collector in the game

Crom The Pale

Crom The Pale

Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Nov 2006

Ageis Ascending


HornBows have a built in sundering mod that does not appear in the text.

This makes them good for spike dmg builds but there slow rate of fire hurts there overal dps.

A good idea in presearing is to pick up both of the collectors and test both with your build. Then go north of the wall and farm a purple bow or two.

Once you get to post searing you will have a good idea of what kind of bow suits your favourite build best.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2005


Wizardry Players Guild, http://4guildwars.7.forumer.com

This is my favorite pre-sear bow:
