i was just wondering are these new mini pets: panda, Kanaxai ,
Raincalle, oni, and Mallyx for Asian players only or are
they obtainable in the American districts for like year 2 or some other
special way of getting them.
question about mini pets
T N Player
im pretty sure u can ghet them in american districts
Ritualistic Spankin
Mallyx minipet is a pet that so far is only attainable from a Coffer of Whispers in the Nightfall campaign. The others you mentioned are not new by any means, they were awards given either for a special promotion, or for placing a certain spot in a PvP tournament.
To my knowledge the do no come in the birthday presents.
To my knowledge the do no come in the birthday presents.
what spankin said, the first 4 are from a special Japanese only tournament that was run a few months ago, to my knowledge, there are only 8 of each of those in existence, but that is just a rumor I heard, I have no facts to back it up.