expansions problems


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jan 2007



i bought a guild wars stand alone expansion factions and started to build a warrior,
then i have notice that i dont have all the skills in factions, so i want to
buy the guild wars prophecies so i'll have all the skills.

my questions are:
1. where to install the prophecies, since i have the factions all ready installed?
2. should i delete factions to install prophecies?
3. after i'll install prophecies do i have to start all over again, buildin another char?
4. do the games bound together and create a hole game with bigger map or

thanks in advance.



Academy Page

Join Date: Oct 2006

Little Rock, AR



You don't need to install Proph. Just launch guild wars and click on the "Create account or install CD key". You will then be prompted to enter your CD key found in the game box. This will not effect any of your chars already created.

This is also not the forums for these kind of questions. You should go to the "Technical issues" forums or whatever nextime. We are helpful folk over here though; lucky for you.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Sep 2005

Thousend Tigers Apund Ur Head [Ttgr]


Moved from GuildWiki forum.

The Pointless

The Pointless

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2006

Stuck in the UK

Rage International [RAGE]


Originally Posted by ygemrl
1. where to install the prophecies, since i have the factions all ready installed?
Just install it to the default folder that it suggests. If, when you intalled Factions you haven't let everything stream to your Hard Drive from the login screen, then the content for Prophecies will just be "appended" to what you already have.
Originally Posted by ygemrl
2. should i delete factions to install prophecies?
NO! No need
Originally Posted by ygemrl
3. after i'll install prophecies do i have to start all over again, buildin another char?
You can start from the very beginning, or you can take your Canthan chars over to Lion's Arch from Kaineng Centre.
Originally Posted by ygemrl
4. do the games bound together and create a hole game with bigger map or what?
Not quite. However, once you do the quest needed to get to another continent, you can use the boat icon on your Travel Map to freely switch between them.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Nov 2005


Odin's Hammer [OH] - Servant's of Fortuna [SoF]


DO NOT INSTALL, just log into game, ADD new key to your existing acct (this is easily done by going to manage/add keys, typing in your acct info and the key and hit add - The game will tell you what the key will add, and ask you if you are sure), and enjoy the new content. It doesn't add more to your map, it adds another map which you can access with either your current characters or with new ones created in Prophesies. The 2 maps are seperate and the only way to get between them is the boat (just like to battle isles) that you unlock with a quest either in Kaineng center/docks or Lion's Arch.

Originally Posted by The Pointless
Just install it to the default folder that it suggests. If, when you intalled Factions you haven't let everything stream to your Hard Drive from the login screen, then the content for Prophecies will just be "appended" to what you already have.

NO! No need

You can start from the very beginning, or you can take your Canthan chars over to Lion's Arch from Kaineng Centre.
Not quite. However, once you do the quest needed to get to another continent, you can use the boat icon on your Travel Map to freely switch between them.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2006

Voices In The Wind


it does help indeed to install prophecies, cause i've noticed that u will need to download more files when u join an area at the first time when the other game not installed, so if ur having slow download rate when u join a map at the first time then it will be handy.
if u have not then it will not be needed cause u'll have the files in a short time