question on hex stacking



Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Feb 2006

Does hexes replace old hexes cuz i haven't found a definite answer for this so i need to now.... i am thinking of build that uses alot of hexes but since i don't now if they replace the previously cast hex i can't use the build yet...

Mod Edit: changed thread title. Please read the stickied thread - thread titles need to reflect the subject of the thread


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Apr 2006

Alt Control Delete


If you cast two different hexes on the enemy they both will be applied

Wrath Of Dragons

Wrath Of Dragons

Burninate Stuff

Join Date: Aug 2005

New Mexico


Please try to use a more descriptive title

If a hex is applied, and then a new one is placed over it, the stronger one takes affect.
(Spiteful spirit at 16 curses will override spite spirit at 10 curses)

Xenex Xclame

Xenex Xclame

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Mar 2006



Theres a new rule in place where you have to make it obvious in your title what your thread is about, so in this this you could have put as title "Do hexes replace old hexes?"
Im not flaming you just letting you know about new rule.

You cast a new hex that you have already cast on an enemy its effect is renewed, so it start over from the beggining as if the person was never hexed.
There are however some dif in some hexes , for example if you cast a hex which gives you health when a player attacks and someone elses cast that same hex on the same player, you will both get the benefit of the heals.

If you cast Spitefull Spirit which at 9 curses lasts 15 seconds ( rechrage is 10 seconds) on someone and the skill recharges after the 10 seconds and the player still has Spiteful Spirit on them that will still last 5 more seconds, you cast Spitefull Spirit again they get the effect of the new hex meaning they will be hexed for 15 seconds so not remaining 5 from previous hex + time from current hex.

Here you go this site is very good at explaining skills
I would sign up, and check the talk pages of skills, most of the times people have already discussed what you are thinking and if not, you can always post there to get an answer.



Academy Page

Join Date: Dec 2005


I have a necro curses (hex) build that I always use and it is very effective you can have every hex in your skill bar cast on one enemy (assuming they live long enough for you to cast them all on them). So for example if you use Life Transfer on an enemy and then you also cast Life Siphon on them they will have -5 degen ( -3 for transfer and -2 for siphon).


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jul 2005

White Redeemers


Originally Posted by Azile
Does hexes repalce old hexes cuz i haven't found a definite answer for this so i need to noe.... i am thinking of build that uses alot of hexes but since i don't noe if they replace the previously cast hex i can't use the build yet...
To make it simple... as long as the hexes are different they all aply. Thats the power of mesmers and nercos.