Tried looking for an article on wiki but could not find one.
My question is, how do speedbuff/snares stack? Do mutliple speedbuffs stack? For instance, burning speed and sprint? If so, what is the cap?
Does being effected by a speedbuff stack against a snare? For instance, if I have dolyak up, and I use sprint, do I still move 75% slower or 50%?
Question about speedbuff/snare stacking.
Hand of Ruin
Sophitia Leafblade
Yes Speed Buffs do Stack, However they will never boost ur speed by more than 50%.
Speed Reductions can slow u to a max of 90% i believe. And Both Mix on u, so if u have +75% Speed boost, (which will results in u moveing only 50% faster) and then get a 25% reduction u will still move at 50% faster.
So in ur exmaple u will indeed just move 50% slower with Sprint and Dolyaks.
Speed Reductions can slow u to a max of 90% i believe. And Both Mix on u, so if u have +75% Speed boost, (which will results in u moveing only 50% faster) and then get a 25% reduction u will still move at 50% faster.
So in ur exmaple u will indeed just move 50% slower with Sprint and Dolyaks.
actually, speed buffs do not stack beyond at 33% increase. Individual skills, such as dash can buff your speed beyond that, but you can't use sprint + iway + windborne speed, etc to get above a 33% increase.
I'd think iway wouldn't help anyone move anything but the sword arm faster, but It's been my experience that the rest of what you say is entirely true dargon

whoops, my bad, I actually meant "Charge!"