It never ceases to amaze the amount of players that suffer from *the need to whine*
So you paid 30-40-50 dollars for this game. That's it. Type /age. Do you think you got your money's worth?

If not, go do something else.
Frankly, I love this game, I have massive fun playing it, I have met incredible people, I have made friends, I love the updates that we get for FREE that allow me to play even more, I love the events that we get for FREE and allow me to do something a little bit different, I love the challenge, and I admit I have fun running the conga with Gaile. How about you just enjoy the game and stop LOOKING for little things to complain about? "Oh my, there's a leaf on a tree out of ascalon that has a strange looking green. I mean, come on developers, get it together!!! I paid 40 dollars, and a leaf should look like a leaf."
It's not a perfect game, we don't live in a perfect world. I think ANET goes out of their way to please the GW community. Are they ever going to make the perfect game? No. Are they making it better? always. Can it be improved? yes. Do they make mistakes? yes. Do you? I'm sure you do, just like everybody else.
If you have time to wonder the order in which professions are, then you are bored. Do yourself a favor, and find something that will satisfy you, or perhaps go exploring, do some quests, missions and try to have fun, and think of all the hours of play you got out of your 40 dollars!!!