Farming money


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jan 2007

Forgotten Gospel


right ive noticed as ive been play guild wars... ive got to level 20 done most of the missions. completed a few quests e.t.c
but even after all this i havent got alot of money to purchase armour or weapons and materials and things.
in other games ive played sometimes you can farm money easily but i wasnt to sure on GW so if theres anywhere to farm easy money, or do i just have to do ALL the quests to get my 15k luxon gear?

thanks alot
Cold Cast.
( i have factions and nightfall but if theres a good farming place in prophecies please share those also)



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Nov 2006


yeah farming is BIG money. for a starter i woulld suggest vermin, if you have a warrior, elementalist, or dervish you should have no problem throwing together a build. you will just need a reliable knockdown protection and some healing. about the easiest farm in the game.




Join Date: May 2005


Please read the link's provided by zelira. The Farming forum is the place on Guild Wars Guru to go to discuss farming builds, places, etc.

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