Bug or on purpose?
Is this a glitch that Luxons abuse almost every battle, or did ANET put it in to give them an even bigger advantage? There are 8 Luxon warriors from the purple commander alone, PLUS the turtle and the squad from orange.
From GuildWiki, on Fort Aspenwood:
Bugs * A bug known to happen is that a new set of Siege Team (a Siege Turtle and 4 Luxon Warriors) spawns whenever a Luxon command post was retaken by the Luxons even though the previous Siege Team was still alive. Thus, there were 2 Siege Teams (2 Turtles and 8 warriors) attacking the same gate. |
we dun abuse it,we dun have a choice.
Bane of Worlds
It happens and it's an unintentional abuse for some.
Besides...you need the kurzicks to take over the luxon command post for that to happen in the first place.
Besides...you need the kurzicks to take over the luxon command post for that to happen in the first place.