I introduce to you the ninth skill. It’s not part of your skill bar nor is it in any way changeable. I suggest we have a ninth skill just for signature of capture and absolutely nothing else. It has its own little box instead being part of your skill bar and similar to your skill bar and many other features it can be turned off when it isn’t needed.
Here’s how it would work, whenever you’d want to capture a skill you just press your ninth skill which reduces one skill point and the amount of money needed directly from your inventory, whilst it casts just as it normally would. You select the skill you want to capture and press the corresponding button to capture it. Now instead of the signet of capture being replaced with the skill you just captured it remains a signet of capture and the skill you captured is added to your skill list. This way you can capture as many skills as you want without having to bring any additional signet of captures. And this way you never can have more than one elite skill in your skill bar (which always seemed a little unfair to me). Now if you don’t have enough money or don’t have any skill points, the signet of capture is greyed out and can not be used. The signet of capture might have an additional information screen next to it about the cost of the signet of capture and your current skill points and money in your inventory.
I made a sample picture so that you might understand better how I’d imagine it. I personally don’t think there are many negative points to it or any way it could be abused. Let me know what you think I’d greatly appreciate it.
Also if any A-Net people are reading this I would completely wave away all my rights to the concept if you’d ever consider to implement it.