What items should I need after pre-searing? I'm a W/E lvl 9. I have a bunch of dye(red,blue,black,yellow,white,silver,brown). I can get just about any other item I should need but what do I need? What crafting items do I need?
What items do I need for weapons and armor? That sort of thing.
after pre-searing
Drakon Longhair
You can try selling me all your dyes at 100g each for starters....
...I'm kidding. Go to Guildwiki like VitsVinifera said.
...I'm kidding. Go to Guildwiki like VitsVinifera said.
Here's the direct link to what you need: http://gw.gamewikis.org/wiki/Pre-Searing_checklist
The Silver, White and Black Dyes are worth some money so hang on to those and check the Rare Material Trader prices. You can buy all the Materials you need after the Searing but you need 8 Iron and 250 Gold to buy your first set but that shouldn't be a problem. If you have any questions or if you need help feal free to PM me InGame.
The Silver, White and Black Dyes are worth some money so hang on to those and check the Rare Material Trader prices. You can buy all the Materials you need after the Searing but you need 8 Iron and 250 Gold to buy your first set but that shouldn't be a problem. If you have any questions or if you need help feal free to PM me InGame.
Xeones The Great
ok, listen up. sell all your black, white, and silver dyes for about 30k ish if you have a bunch. then go to the armor crafter named corwen. your best bet is to get ascalon armor from him. get the crafting materials and craft the armor, then max it out with runes such as vigor, ur weapon type, superior absorption, etc. then go buy yourself some skills such as, fro swords, my favorite, sever artery, gash, blah blah. u will still have about 20k ish. buy a sskais sword if ur using swords. its a very good sword with a nice price, about 10k. then you can go ahead and do the noob missions with just henchies, and then u can pm me ingame if u want more
ign: xeones the great
ps - i hope all this babbling was worth it lol.
ign: xeones the great
ps - i hope all this babbling was worth it lol.