Hello there all,
My groups prophecies campaign has come to an end at Thirsty River ( we just can't get through it and aren't interested in getting run or spliting our group to make it through) So we are now wondering which of the expansions to buy, which of the two has the gameplay nearest to the original? We are only interested in playing the campaign, we have no interest in the arena or joining a guild or picking up other players ( sorry, we're antisocial buggers!!)
Any advice on which would suit us would be welcome ( apart from comments on how useless we are not to be able to beat Thirsy River thanks.)
factions v nightfall?
well nightfall is probably your best bet if for nothing else it will have a more similar style to prophecies,also heroes may make your gameplay style more enjoyable(no worries about PUGs).but as always it's all personal preference that matters. good luck either way!
Xeones The Great
well, if u want, i can help you beat thirsty river, but back to the main question:
nightfall. period. get nightfall. you gain access to customizable heroes, and you have, IMO, better classes than factions, like dervish. also, NF has a bigger map than factions, so youll be working on it 4 a long time. and, funny enough, in nightfall, in the cutscenes, the characters actually move their mouths when they talk. amazing, eh? the size of elona (nightfall) is closer to tyria (prophecies than cantha (factions). and, heroes are sooo fun to have, too. you give them runes, skills, insignias, weapons, everything. i suggest nightfall by a mile. no wait more than that. =]
nightfall. period. get nightfall. you gain access to customizable heroes, and you have, IMO, better classes than factions, like dervish. also, NF has a bigger map than factions, so youll be working on it 4 a long time. and, funny enough, in nightfall, in the cutscenes, the characters actually move their mouths when they talk. amazing, eh? the size of elona (nightfall) is closer to tyria (prophecies than cantha (factions). and, heroes are sooo fun to have, too. you give them runes, skills, insignias, weapons, everything. i suggest nightfall by a mile. no wait more than that. =]
Nightfall is closer to Prophecies gameplay.
You are not useless when you cannot beat Thirsty River (TR), but I fear some of the Nightfall missions are much harder then this one.
For example, there is a "Grand Court of Sebelkeh: Impossible" posting and while the mission can be done it requires more team coordination then TR.
But if you want to change campaign, i'd go for Nightfall.
You are not useless when you cannot beat Thirsty River (TR), but I fear some of the Nightfall missions are much harder then this one.
For example, there is a "Grand Court of Sebelkeh: Impossible" posting and while the mission can be done it requires more team coordination then TR.
But if you want to change campaign, i'd go for Nightfall.
Well I would say for some one as anti social as you claim you are, DEFINITELY Nightfall. However, even I struggled on Nightfall on some missions using just heroes and hench. (Yet with 9 out of 10 PUGs out there, you're probably better with heroes and hench...) I beat the game in just 3 days after release on my Dervish with heroes and hench so it IS possible, yet one of the missions near the end is FAR FAR FAR more frustrating than Thirsty River. In fact, the mission I speak of took me 2 days to beat just trying to figure out how I could finish it and what hench was the best.
Factions, I wouldn't bother with at all. Yes it has a little story intertwined into Nightfall, but Nightfall and Prophecies are far closer in relation, and is more PVP based anyway.
Factions, I wouldn't bother with at all. Yes it has a little story intertwined into Nightfall, but Nightfall and Prophecies are far closer in relation, and is more PVP based anyway.
Thanks for all the replies. it sounds like it will be nightfall for us then.
We are not really a bunch of miserable tykes but we play guildwars for something to play TOGETHER so getting involved with others just don't do it for us. but thanks for the offers and info all the same
see you around somewhere
turbotoes ( kite de kelnor )
We are not really a bunch of miserable tykes but we play guildwars for something to play TOGETHER so getting involved with others just don't do it for us. but thanks for the offers and info all the same

see you around somewhere
turbotoes ( kite de kelnor )
Ashleigh McMahon