whats the best looking armor for a male warrior? obsidian?
Xeones The Great
so anyone know what it is? and also, how much is full obsidian? it said 120 ectos on wiki, and holy crap, thats like 1mil.
Anarion Silverhand
Originally Posted by Xeones The Great
so anyone know what it is? and also, how much is full obsidian? it said 120 ectos on wiki, and holy crap, thats like 1mil.
Here is an overwiev of all the different warrior armors. Male and Female. Just scroll down.
Here are the costs for Warrior FoW armor.
Hope this was of any help.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
One mans "OMG this armour is awesome" is another mans "LOL, that is the most riciculous looking armour I have ever seen"
Go with what you like, & most importantly, what you can afford.
One mans "OMG this armour is awesome" is another mans "LOL, that is the most riciculous looking armour I have ever seen"
Go with what you like, & most importantly, what you can afford.
Xeones The Great
k thanks, but i was looking for opinions, not references lol
In my opinion, Obsidian armour looks like Mario and it's incredibly ugly. I prefer Nightfall endgame for a warrior or Droknar's basic platemail. Even Canthan Sentinel armour is better looking than it.
imo, the only ood warrior armor out there is the 2 15k proph (acalon, and the one that looks like ring male) armor and droks 1.5k armor 9 the one with the pig on). other wise i hate it all. but like said, is in the eye of the holder
Retribution X
personally, Ascalon 15k, Platemale 15k, Dragons 15k, and kurzick 15k.
Xeones The Great
15k kurzick is the one that caught my eye while looking.
Xeones The Great
Xeones The Great
in your opinion whats better, 15k kurzick or 15k luxon, theyre both good, but i leaned toward kurzick becuz my guild alliance is kurzick, lol.
15k kurzick: http://gw.gamewikis.org/wiki/Image:M...k15K_Front.jpg
15k luxon: http://gw.gamewikis.org/wiki/Image:Overfront.jpg
opinions please.
15k kurzick: http://gw.gamewikis.org/wiki/Image:M...k15K_Front.jpg
15k luxon: http://gw.gamewikis.org/wiki/Image:Overfront.jpg
opinions please.
The Pointless
Originally Posted by JediKnight
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

[EDIT] And out of the 15K Luxon and Kurz, I would say the Kurz kit looks better, since that Luxon helm makes peeps look like a Transformer.
/off topic
editing your post is preferred over multiple consecutive posts.
editing your post is preferred over multiple consecutive posts.
Originally Posted by Xeones The Great
Kurzick 1.5 is my favourite...
dies like fish
15k Gladiator's and Obsidian Helm all dyed black
Xeones The Great
@the pointless: lol, ur right bout lux lololol!!!
@jediknight: indeed.
lol heres a glitch for 1.5k kurzick female:
http://gw.gamewikis.org/wiki/Image:A...ull_back .jpg
http://gw.gamewikis.org/wiki/Image:A... eet_back.jpg
lol anyone see the glitch?
and, final, im going with 15k kurzick, btw, anyone know the running price of amber? i havenet gotten there yet.
@jediknight: indeed.
lol heres a glitch for 1.5k kurzick female:
http://gw.gamewikis.org/wiki/Image:A...ull_back .jpg
http://gw.gamewikis.org/wiki/Image:A... eet_back.jpg
lol anyone see the glitch?
and, final, im going with 15k kurzick, btw, anyone know the running price of amber? i havenet gotten there yet.
Personally, I like both Luxon and Kurzick arts and in different ways:
- Luxon 15K gives a more majestic look, especially the male version. I use the female version but it really only looks good when standing.
- Luxon regular is what I find rather ugly and it never made it felt compelling for me to craft.
- Kurzick 15K gives the "dark knight" feel, and I like it for both male and female versions. The design isn't as complex as Luxon ones and presents an overall, elegant look.
- Kurzick regular is also nice although the male version doesn't differ alot from the shape of the ascended art. The female versions distinguish alot from each other which I prefer over male versions.
- Luxon 15K gives a more majestic look, especially the male version. I use the female version but it really only looks good when standing.
- Luxon regular is what I find rather ugly and it never made it felt compelling for me to craft.
- Kurzick 15K gives the "dark knight" feel, and I like it for both male and female versions. The design isn't as complex as Luxon ones and presents an overall, elegant look.
- Kurzick regular is also nice although the male version doesn't differ alot from the shape of the ascended art. The female versions distinguish alot from each other which I prefer over male versions.
Xeones The Great
i see your avatar is 15k luxon lol.
Originally Posted by Xeones The Great
i see your avatar is 15k luxon lol.

P.S. Luxon 15k looks really good on male warriors. The only part which I don't quite like about it is when you see it from the back while running (which is what you'd see pretty often) especially from the waist downwards.
I like the Vabbian armor best. I think the Kurzick 15k though is classic though.
I cant get past the helmet for the Luxon 15k , because when you wear it, I think it makes you look like a giant weiner.
I also like the 15k Dragon armor but I know a lot of people think its ugly.
I cant get past the helmet for the Luxon 15k , because when you wear it, I think it makes you look like a giant weiner.
I also like the 15k Dragon armor but I know a lot of people think its ugly.
I like the Vabbian armor best. I think the Kurzick 15k is classic though.
I cant get past the helmet for the Luxon 15k , because when you wear it, I think it makes you look like a giant weiner.
I also like the 15k Dragon armor but I know a lot of people think its ugly.
I cant get past the helmet for the Luxon 15k , because when you wear it, I think it makes you look like a giant weiner.
I also like the 15k Dragon armor but I know a lot of people think its ugly.
what do you want, a poll or something? Do you want people to make up your mind for yourself? You seem able to post wiki links.......
My new Warrior armor http://gw.gamewikis.org/wiki/Image:F...nspearmale.jpg
Imo this is just what i needed.It is heroic. It is expensive. And it is beatiful. And it doesnt make your warrior look rediculous in any way.
But, omg it looks just like the 1.5k version!!!!11oneone.
If u think that way then you really need an eye check.
Imo this is just what i needed.It is heroic. It is expensive. And it is beatiful. And it doesnt make your warrior look rediculous in any way.
But, omg it looks just like the 1.5k version!!!!11oneone.
If u think that way then you really need an eye check.

Originally Posted by Xeones The Great
so anyone know what it is? and also, how much is full obsidian? it said 120 ectos on wiki, and holy crap, thats like 1mil.
My opinion: I have one year playing and my favorite warrior armor of all time is Gladiator 15k (I have all 3 campaigns) http://gw.gamewikis.org/wiki/Ascende...ator%27s_Armor
i think the coolest male warrior armor is the Primeval Armor.
Each Piece cost 15k excluding materials.
The armor crafter can be found in the Throne OF Secrets,after u beat the last mission of nightfall.
Each Piece cost 15k excluding materials.
The armor crafter can be found in the Throne OF Secrets,after u beat the last mission of nightfall.
IMO its gotta be 15k luxon, always been my favorite...but ditch the helm
i traded in mine for a primeval helm but itd look best with an obsidian, not THAT much for just the helm
i traded in mine for a primeval helm but itd look best with an obsidian, not THAT much for just the helm
its all about taste.....
u dont need the most expensive armor to look the best.
its what u like
here is my warrior
it has 15k luxon helm and hands
15k kurzick legs and feet
15k canthan chest
all dyed black
u dont need the most expensive armor to look the best.
its what u like
here is my warrior
it has 15k luxon helm and hands
15k kurzick legs and feet
15k canthan chest
all dyed black
I agree with darkobra,
I like the end of Nightfall armour and i use it, though it costs 75k all together not including the materials
Materials: Bones -400
Steel Ignots-40
I think that they made this the coolest and even the inventors of Guildwars agree because thats why they put it at the end of the game, really commensence...
I like the end of Nightfall armour and i use it, though it costs 75k all together not including the materials
Materials: Bones -400
Steel Ignots-40
I think that they made this the coolest and even the inventors of Guildwars agree because thats why they put it at the end of the game, really commensence...
Malice Black
15k Primeval...
Avoid 15k glads with FoW helm....wayyyy over done.
Avoid 15k glads with FoW helm....wayyyy over done.
I had purchased the 15k Luxon for my tank initially (pre-Nightfall). After I saw the Primevil armor, I had to have it. Tossed the Luxon armor on the storage mule (in his backpack, not on him, obviously).
Personally: in order of preference;
1) Primeval
2) 15k Luxon
3) 15k Kurzick
For female warriors you can remove the Luxon armour from the list
1) Primeval
2) 15k Luxon
3) 15k Kurzick
For female warriors you can remove the Luxon armour from the list
Xeones The Great
lol good im getting primeval w00t!!!!
Originally Posted by Xeones The Great
lol good im getting primeval w00t!!!!
maybe you can grow to 40 stories tall and fight?
That depends on...are you dressing up so that the warrior look good to you or you're trying to impress others with your uber expensive armor?
IMO Warrior Obsidian is fugly. Primeval,15k canthan, 15k kurz, knights and even 15k turtle-power luxon is better looking.