Hi, I was wondering if anyone here can help me figure out how to run 2 guildwars clients at once, I have read this tutorial and downloaded this program.
I am a computer noob and cant figure this out, if anyone can help over msn or pm, id apreciate.
I ll give you 10k in game lol.
Edit by Ashleigh Mcmahon: Removed the potential malicious link
Requesting Help-Running GW on 2 Clients
Franco Power
2 computers. 3rd party program ftl
Franco Power
what if you cant use 2 computers >.>
I guess the question is what you need 2 accts online at the same time for. You can only really play one at a time. If you need to transfer stuff get a guildy to pass it. I just highly recommend not using a 3rd party proggy.
Ashleigh McMahon
Yeah. Un-install that program you downloaded immediately, then scan for viruses.
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