Question: Primeval Armor or 15k Kurzick Armor for Male Warrior?
Xeones The Great
the problem is that i like the look of 15k kurzick much better, but, on the other hand, primeval armor is insigniable while 15k kurzick is not. im stuck here, can anyone help me decide?
15k kurzick:
thanks 4 ur time.
15k kurzick:
thanks 4 ur time.
T N Player
i always like the look of 15k kurzick better. sure u can chnage the insignia on primeval armor, but u really done need more then one kind of armor in pve
primeval armor is going get verry comon, but it looks cool and u can use insignias on it.
kurzick 15k is a lot more expensiv than primeval armor but i think the kurzick armor looks better
So if u are mostly playing pvp u should buy primeval
For pve u rly only need the Dreadnoughts
kurzick 15k is a lot more expensiv than primeval armor but i think the kurzick armor looks better
So if u are mostly playing pvp u should buy primeval
For pve u rly only need the Dreadnoughts

I definitely like the look of Primeval better.
Get both. Well, I already have 15k Kurzick and I'm looking to get Primeval when I reach there.
Who cares if Primeval is common? 15k Kurzick is also very common.
Choose whichever one you like more. But I'd go with Primeval, because I dislike the 15k Kurzick Helm.
Who cares if Primeval is common? 15k Kurzick is also very common.
Choose whichever one you like more. But I'd go with Primeval, because I dislike the 15k Kurzick Helm.
Get 15k warrior luxon Looks better then both of them and I hardly see anyone with it.
Xeones The Great
15k luxon looks really weird, i dont like it, but guys, what im saying is:
prim is insigniable, i like the look of it
15k kurz isnt insigniable, and i like the look even better, and its more expensive
i guess ill get prim first and insignia it, but then ill try and get 15k kurz, anyone have ideas on which set to get? dreadnought's? wtf lol?
15k luxon - *helm makes u look like a transformer lol*
prim is insigniable, i like the look of it
15k kurz isnt insigniable, and i like the look even better, and its more expensive
i guess ill get prim first and insignia it, but then ill try and get 15k kurz, anyone have ideas on which set to get? dreadnought's? wtf lol?
15k luxon - *helm makes u look like a transformer lol*
Get primeval, it can be dyed to a truly astounding shade of pink.
Anarion Silverhand
Definately Primeval. Transformers style!
Primeval looks like a guyver unit the Kurzick looks like something Batman would wear. Guyver beats Batman any day.
15k luxon - *helm makes u look like a transformer lol* |