Monk Terrorist
While I was in FA earlier today, so guy was talking about a build called the monk terrorist. Does anyone know anything about this build?
Originally Posted by majeh456
While I was in FA earlier today, so guy was talking about a build called the monk terrorist. Does anyone know anything about this build?
Never heard of it. It's probably just some name some guy gave his own build because it made him feel cool. More than likely, it's just another BHA/interupt type build. After seeing many builds posted I've noticed a trend that the builds with fancy names are usually crap, while the builds with normal names are usually good enough to become popular and widely used (i.e. Boon prot, Shock Axe, B Light, Crip Shot, etc.)
Maria The Princess
and why is this on ranger forom?...
Because it's some guy's ranger build....
Thanks for clearing that up for me Archon.
Thanks for clearing that up for me Archon.
Former Ruling
No fancy named build is going to be well known.
I agree this guy just wanted a leet name for his (probably horrible) build :\
I agree this guy just wanted a leet name for his (probably horrible) build :\