I came upon a quest where 5 heroes were unlocked and I was given weapon upgrades for each of them. So I upgraded them, now I can't get rid of their original weapons, I can't sell them, I can't put them into my storage to make room in my inventory. I even tried dropping them out of town and in town but I can't get rid of 'em. Am I stuck with them forever in my inventory taking up much needed space or am I missing something??
Thanks in advance for whatever help you can give me
Can't drop hero's weapon
Drag them to the trash icon in your inventory to delete them.
Now I truly feel like a NOOB. lol.
They should have a guild just for us.
Thanx again.

Thanx again.
Nah, n00bs are annoying and undesirable. You dont seem like that at all. =)
No matter what games we play, we were all n00bs at some point.
thats a newb(ie), not a n00b. lol
Smile Like Umean It
Yeah, people seem to always get the two mixed up. And say the latter so much that it has absolutely no meaning to me now.
O.o I wasn't aware that newb and n00b had different connotations.