Question about shield modifiers


Academy Page

Join Date: Oct 2006



ok two things first.
I dont want a mod to think i am being lazy by not using the search button.
-One: im at home so dial up... self explanatory but searching the web is not easy on this connection.
-Two: im really not sure what to search for.

Question can you change modifiers on a shield like you can for all the gold/non unique weapons? Meaning can I buy a shield handle that changes the health from say +27 to +30. Just wondering how this works. if there are no such things as shield upgrades id prefer to know here, before looking like a fool trying to buy them in a city district or something along those lines.

Thanks in advance.
Guild wiki also doesn't state whether or not you can change them just lists what they are.

Edit: Just found the answer moments later. It was answered when the error on the auction site went away and showed all of the item upgrades... this is where the question initially started.

Thanks Relambrien for the quick answer.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jan 2006

Delaware, USA

Error Seven Operators [Call]


Shields can be upgraded just like anything else, as far as I know. Shield Handles (or whatever they're called) work like any other upgrade items; they can be applied to a shield to increase its power.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Sep 2006

Officer's Club

Gameamp Guides [AMP]

Originally Posted by Relambrien
Shields can be upgraded just like anything else, as far as I know. Shield Handles (or whatever they're called) work like any other upgrade items; they can be applied to a shield to increase its power.
O N L Y NIGHTFALL shields can be upgraded.