As you all know, the dye mechanics of the game were overhauled. One of them being that all newly crafted armors start out gray. That creates one problem. This armor's original color (the parts that have the cream color look to them) is now Gray, leaving me clueless as to how to achieve that cream color. The cream color was the default color for this armor (ranger istani armor) before the dye update. If anyone knows how to achieve the CREAM color on this armor, please post it! Heres the pic.
Can anyone possibly achieve this color???
You probably can't reproduce it perfectly. Start with a white dye and experiment with some combination of yellow, orange, and brown. Somewhere in there should be a color that's pretty close to what you're looking for.
i think it is straight up yellow.
The other ranger armors are dyed yellow in their classic (pre-grey) appearance.
I tried this with a piece of ranger FoW armor I bought today, and dying it yellow made it match with a pre-update part perfectly.
sorry, that color is not yellow.... ill try the white dye, though thats the expensive solution :/
before wasting white, try silver/yellow...I had a color similar to it that way...white and yellow may do it, but as I recall, the difference between a white and yellow mix and a silver and yellow mix is pretty slight.
silver and yellow is not even remotely close... its so far off its not even funny
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Try brown.
Might be it.
Might be it.