NF Collectors Edition

Adam of Tyria

Adam of Tyria

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Nov 2006


Well I have admired this for a while now and was wondering if it was worth getting if I already have NF (and beat it this morning). Also if I do get it when I upgrade will I still have all my NF characters?



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jan 2006

Lost in the sands of time...

Blood Of Orr [BoO]


Yes you will still have all of your characters, and its really your opinion if its worth it or not.

You'll get a cute little varesh, a nice special dance for dervish's and paragons, and a few goodies in the box. In my opinion it is worth it.

But like i said, its more about your opinion, Since you already have the regular version, buying the CE would be like speanding aorund 70 dollars just on those things i mentioned.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2006

Alliance of Xen [XoO]


Yes you will still have your NF chars.

Heres the collectors contents:

* Nightfall Collector's Edition Key, providing access to the Nightfall campaign, a miniature in-game Varesh pet, and Nightfall signature dances for your characters
* Nightfall Bonus Music Key, providing exclusive in-game music from Guild Wars composer Jeremy Soule
* Nightfall Game on DVD
* "Making of Guild Wars Nightfall" DVD, with behind-the-scenes footage and interviews with the designers, writers, illustrators, and animators
* "The Art of Nightfall" Art Book, a 124-page book depicting amazing images from the world of Elona
* Nightfall Soundtrack CD with 35 tracks of music from the game
* Nightfall Collector's Skill Pins, a pair of metallic pins showing icons for one Dervish and one Paragon skill
* Nightfall Collector's Standee, a foldout standee of Warmarshal Varesh to place on your desk
* Nightfall Map Poster, a 16x24-inch map depicting the lands of Elona
* Nightfall Collector's Edition Poster
* Nightfall Manual, with information on the world of Elona and explanations of new game features and mechanics.
* Nightfall Quick-Reference Card, with a handy keyboard layout and much more
* Nightfall Buddy Key, a 14-day/10-hour free trial you can give to a friend
* Guild Wars Epic Trial Key, a 14-day/10-hour free trial of Guild Wars Prophecies and Guild Wars Factions
* NCsoft Trial Key Booklet, with trial keys for other great NCsoft games