3 Games or 1


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jan 2007

Well i finally got nightfall after my friend asking me to for weeks. I've never play guild wars before but i'm sure i can handle it. so far i'm a lvl 15 E/N and i've had the game for 5 days. What my question is, if i buy Factions or Prophecies do i get all the benifits if i still make a character in nightfall? in other words do i need them all to get all the skills? I dont understand the 3 game thing. If i had factions and i made my character on nightfall would i still be able to go assassin?


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Apr 2006

Sunny ol' Manchester

The Trumpet Blowers


Paragon and Dervish you can only start in NF, similarly, you can only start an assassin or a rit in Factions. The other 6 can be started in any of the 3. But once you reach a certain point, you can transfer any char to any other chapter, provided you've bough it and attached it to your account

Fril Estelin

Fril Estelin

So Serious...

Join Date: Jan 2007


Nerfs Are [WHAK]



The thing is that the games can work as standalones or together, depending on whether or not you attach the keys you bought to the same account. But together, the 3 games sort of improve each other from what I've read: not only can you traval across the 3 different continents (each game provide a continent: Prochecies=Tyria, Factions=Cantha, Nightfall=Elona, you have to do some special quests to e able to travel from one to the other) but some games will bring new quests and coll stuff to the other games (I've just bought Nightfall for xmas and this created a quest for my Prochecies character where the reward is a Necromant hero!).



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Nov 2006

If you want all the skills, yes you need all three chapters. With the purchase of Nightfall you are able to get all the basic skills and the Nightfall exclusive skills. To get the Prophecies and Factions exclusive skills you have to buy the respective chapters.