I have been thinking about how Anet is gonna make a new campaign after Nightfall. If think about it how can you make an expansion after killing a banished god? If you talk to Kenan the Scribe in the Temple of Ages he says the gods created other worlds after the exodus. Perhaps in campaign 4 we can go to a new world still being created by the gods.
As for Kormir she is the god of knowledge and secrets correct? One might think there was a plethora of knowledge locked away with Abaddon in the Realm of Torment. Since all that information has been transfered to Kormir it has been realeased back into the world. Obviously this means the rebirth of the former patron profession of Abaddon.
I was thinking of a profession that would be a great match for The god of Knowledge, i came of with a sort of arcanist or scribe of sorts. Perhaps a spell caster the holds instead of a staff or wands but a book. Maby they could read the text of the book place their hand over it and summon orbs of magical energy from the book and fire them at enemies. I think a great basis for this profession would be to summon Apocryphas; those creature made of tablets with the glowing purple text as seen when fighting Abaddon.
One might think also that Abaddon might have had knowledge not only on his governing profession but the others as well. I think in the next expansion they could add one additional attribute to each of the other professions.
Example: Rangers could have Hunting, Assassins Stealth
For rangers I think hunting could expand rangers abilities to possibly using one handed knives, dont confuse with daggers. Lets say they do 9-13 dmg, 2.5 sec attack speed, and always critical.
I think some great hunting skills could be:
Hunter's Chuck= Skill. Chuck Knife at target, if that foe was moving it is crippled and suffers bleeding for 5...10 seconds. This skill has half the normal range.
Hunter's Step= StanceFor 8...18 seconds you move 33% slower, you become invisible to foes, do not show up on enemy compasses. This Stance ends if you Take dmg or come within earshot of a foe.
*Can be identified if enemy scrolls over your location, cannot be identified by holding down alt, ctrl.
I would also like better ranger armor, better armors in general actually. So far nearly all the ranger armor has not been ranger armor. Its either archer/soldier armor or demonic enhancment armor. Rangers are people who brave the wilds, the only armor that i find reflects this is ascalon, Krytan, Drakescale, and Frostlined armors. You Anet people almost had an insanely awsome "ranger" armor when you were makin that Ancient set until you stuck that god awful rusted scales all over it, if ya had not done that it would have been awsome but you had to ruin it -_-. In the next campiagn please try to make some really nice armors. If you have to try to base it off somethin like Lord of the RIngs, no more cruddy armors
i.e. !!!Kurzick(granny doily armor)!!! Primevil(omg snakeman) Anceint(omg you almost had a good set) sry if i offended but this is what i thought of them.
I also think rangers NEED to have bowstrings and quivers added. "Omg i need an arrow *ping* yay i pulled one out of the air, now to fire it, wow i can pull the bow back just by grabbing air"
I would really like to see some nice updates in Prophacies and Factions, it has been seeming like whenever Anet makes a new campaign they completely forget about the others except during holidays.
These are just some basic ideas i thought would be awsome in the next expansion. Tell me what you think of these. And feel free to reply with attribute you think would be great on the other professions.
My Theories on a New Expansion
Tide to Go
I agree with you on adding the attribute.....i even made a thread about it i like that hunter thing you got going about the knife, i would like the worriors to have a dual axe and dual sword attribute also......but you know what I dont like that you are looking at WoW for this stuff like the 2.5 sec attack speed that WoW and the proffesion that holds a book, thats WoW.But for campaign 4 i dont want to see proffesions so no thank you on that part.......
WoW has books? and 2.5 attack speed knives? i didnt know that, i just though of books cuz Kormir is godess of knowledge and books contain knowledge. and 2.5 speed one handed knives so people wouldnt be all like, so now rangers are the same as Assassins?
Some non-combat PvE stuff would be cool.
Tide to Go
Books would be a necro weapon or offhand......books would produce blood power
also many other prof could use it........
also many other prof could use it........
I was playing a dark elf hunter today, sounds kind of familiar
Ideas go in the Sardelac Sanitarium forum. Also, please make a separate thread for each distinct idea - lumping all of your ideas into one thread just makes a mess. Closed.