Nightfall Help Please?



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jan 2007

Club Of A Thousand Pandas [LOD???]


I brought my character from Prophecies to Nightfall, what I want to know is how to I get him to the main capital where I can start buying all the main armor. I looked through all the towns I did all the missions, it doesn't help me. Can someone please help me with this? And if your going to say "Do the missions" please dont bother posting.




Join Date: May 2005


Unlike Prophecies, Nightfall is like Faction's - if you want a certain "look" to your armor your going to have to locate the right town/place for it. Although the base max armor is found in 2 location's.

Location's of armor's:

Max Core, Dervish & Paragon armor: Consulate Dock's. - just look to the one side of the stairs.. on the one side if the storage, the other side has the NPC which sells the max AL Istani & Elonian armor.

You can also get these armor's in the Command Post (explorable area tied to Sunspear Sanctuary).

(Core = Warrior, Ranger, Monk, Necromancer, Mesmer & Elementalist)

15K Sunspear - Command post after "Building the base"
Vabbian - The Kodesh Bazaar
Ancient - Bone Palace
Primeval - Throne of Secret's

Guild Wiki is your best friend:

Final note - please read the stickies, as they clearly state that your thread title needs to reflect the subject of your thread. A more appropriate title for this thread should have been "Nightfall armor location, help please" or similar.

Thread Closed.