CD keys and downloading


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jan 2007

If I was to start playing what 1 should I buy? Guild wars, Faction, or Nightfalls.
I wanna start playing but have a couple questions.

1)If I buy a CD key for nightfalls on-line, can I download the Nightfalls CDs/game I need to play?

2)Is nightfalls a standalone game?
thx in advance



Teenager with attitude

Join Date: Jul 2005

Fifteen Over Fifty [Rare]

The majority of people are playing Nightfall, so you should probably start there. There are still some people playing through Prophecies or Factions if you'd like to play one of those.

1. Yes, at either or

2. Yes. You can buy and play each chapter separately.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Oct 2005

I disagree with Savio.

Most people maybe playing Nightfall, but if you have any interst in the storyline for PvE then I suggest you purchase Prophecies first, then Factions, and then Nightfall.

The reason i suggest this is that there are quests, missions, and events in Nightfall that provide more information, answer questions, and complete stories from both Prophecies and Factions.

As for it being a "standalone game". If you purchase Nightfall you do not have to purchase Factions or Prophecies to play it, same goes for each chapter. All the Guild Wars chapters can be added to existing accounts or be used on a separate account. I suggest you add them to the same account, you have more options and skills available to you.

Malice Black

Site Legend

Join Date: Oct 2005

Use this thread posted by Inde it gives all the info you need to know.