Profession Rank PvP Title!
I have an idea about new PvP profession titles showing the level of experience you have playing one individual profession, based in the Balthazar faction you win playing that particular profession.
I will take Monk as example here: Fierce Monk (1), Mighty Monk (2), Deadly Monk (3) ... based on Balthazar faction earned with a Monk.
The reason of my idea: I am r6 and glad2, but there are no way we can show what profession we play better. If, for example, I am making a team in TA or HA and I need a Ritualist, maybe is better get a "Deadly Ritualist (3)" than a r6 or gladiator Ritualist, because that Ritualist maybe won that title with another profession and is playing Ritualist for the 1st time even being r12.
There are only one problem with this title, rank discrimination, there are already discrimination in HA and TA, and this titles could add more, but that's a "maybe". Whatever, I will love a feature of showing how much I play a profession, because I prefer showing "King's Monk (12)" than "Vanquishing Gladiator (8)", etc.
I will take Monk as example here: Fierce Monk (1), Mighty Monk (2), Deadly Monk (3) ... based on Balthazar faction earned with a Monk.
The reason of my idea: I am r6 and glad2, but there are no way we can show what profession we play better. If, for example, I am making a team in TA or HA and I need a Ritualist, maybe is better get a "Deadly Ritualist (3)" than a r6 or gladiator Ritualist, because that Ritualist maybe won that title with another profession and is playing Ritualist for the 1st time even being r12.
There are only one problem with this title, rank discrimination, there are already discrimination in HA and TA, and this titles could add more, but that's a "maybe". Whatever, I will love a feature of showing how much I play a profession, because I prefer showing "King's Monk (12)" than "Vanquishing Gladiator (8)", etc.
So what if you're R6 and R2?
What if you IWAYed it? Does that make you a good player?
I don't really care about that, but a linear number of anything shows nothing.
Especially, if you have that much experience in pvp, you should be well aware that there are plenty of different healing builds, all which differ a lot in gameplay style and team dependancy. Just because you're a good protter, doesn't make you a good infuser or vice versa. And what happens when meta game changes, and both of those become obsolete like boon prot? Where's your experience now?
What does Deadly Elementalist mean then? SF spammer or flag runner? Air spiker? Blindbot? What exactly are you experienced in? Those are completely opposite roles. Will a HA farmed SF spammer make a good flag runner?
Classes don't matter. It comes down to your role in team. And that can only be judged by your friends and foes, not by a number.
What if you IWAYed it? Does that make you a good player?
I don't really care about that, but a linear number of anything shows nothing.
Especially, if you have that much experience in pvp, you should be well aware that there are plenty of different healing builds, all which differ a lot in gameplay style and team dependancy. Just because you're a good protter, doesn't make you a good infuser or vice versa. And what happens when meta game changes, and both of those become obsolete like boon prot? Where's your experience now?
What does Deadly Elementalist mean then? SF spammer or flag runner? Air spiker? Blindbot? What exactly are you experienced in? Those are completely opposite roles. Will a HA farmed SF spammer make a good flag runner?
Classes don't matter. It comes down to your role in team. And that can only be judged by your friends and foes, not by a number.
Good idea in theory but noobs with cookie cutter builds ruin it.
Originally Posted by Antheus
What if you IWAYed it? Does that make you a good player?
Randomway Ftw
Not a good idea, proffesions can have many different roles, this is not an accurate way of measuring experience in a certain role.
Originally Posted by Antheus
So what if you're R6 and R2? What if you IWAYed it? Does that make you a good player?
Originally Posted by Randomway Ftw
Not a good idea, proffesions can have many different roles, this is not an accurate way of measuring experience in a certain role.
Originally Posted by tomcruisejr
What's your definition of a good player? Player that didn't IWAY?
Look at ranger. Between thumpers, touchers, trappers and cripshots, there's a whole sea of other builds, each with completely different subset.
Saying you're rank 4 ranger doesn't really mean much, especially universally. Each type of arena favors different builds, playstyles, ammount of team interaction.
God in RA could be completely useless in HA. Someone that has gained 1 million faction in AB might die in 3 seconds in TA.
This is why universal titles don't mean much. They do give an indication of how much time someone spent, but profession specific titles would be counter-productive, since just because someone doesn't play a specific class most of the time (to have the highest title), doesn't mean they perform worse. An experienced team player familiar with maps will be a much better contribution, let alone a player with diverse interests.
Playing all kinds of roles, from backline to melee to runners and whatever else may be will generally make player much better, than someone who has stuck to one single role.
Originally Posted by Antheus
Nah, just the most overused of examples.
Look at ranger. Between thumpers, touchers, trappers and cripshots, there's a whole sea of other builds, each with completely different subset. Saying you're rank 4 ranger doesn't really mean much, especially universally. Each type of arena favors different builds, playstyles, ammount of team interaction. God in RA could be completely useless in HA. Someone that has gained 1 million faction in AB might die in 3 seconds in TA. This is why universal titles don't mean much. They do give an indication of how much time someone spent, but profession specific titles would be counter-productive, since just because someone doesn't play a specific class most of the time (to have the highest title), doesn't mean they perform worse. An experienced team player familiar with maps will be a much better contribution, let alone a player with diverse interests. Playing all kinds of roles, from backline to melee to runners and whatever else may be will generally make player much better, than someone who has stuck to one single role. |

I think this idea can't be realised, cause (probably) there is no any proffesion statistics for players who already earned ranks.
And team-creation will become much harder, because it would be very hard to make your teammate to reroll to another profession. Everyone will concentrate on the one-two professions.
P.S. Sorry for my English.
Best Regards,
And team-creation will become much harder, because it would be very hard to make your teammate to reroll to another profession. Everyone will concentrate on the one-two professions.
P.S. Sorry for my English.
Best Regards,
Originally Posted by Ung
I think this idea can't be realised, cause (probably) there is no any proffesion statistics for players who already earned ranks.
And team-creation will become much harder, because it would be very hard to make your teammate to reroll to another profession. Everyone will concentrate on the one-two professions. /notsigned P.S. Sorry for my English. Best Regards, Ung |

Harder team-creation? not necessary, at least people start to ask for profession rank, not only global rank.
Most of the titles doesn't really make you a pro:
1. OMG I AM R13, I grinded and I play HA all day. I ran IWAY and SF = I am PROZ!
2. OMG I GOT ULTIMATE SURVIVOR! I had someone to run me and got pwr leveled because I am rich.
3. OMG I GOT FRIENDS OF KURZICKS TITLE! I ran the Faction run as a doorman, I am pro.
4. OMG I GOT CHESTRUNNING! I had a full team of pro runners and I didn't even get hit, once. IT'S TRUE I AM INVINCIBLE!
And this title is unnecessarily complicated.
1. OMG I AM R13, I grinded and I play HA all day. I ran IWAY and SF = I am PROZ!
2. OMG I GOT ULTIMATE SURVIVOR! I had someone to run me and got pwr leveled because I am rich.
3. OMG I GOT FRIENDS OF KURZICKS TITLE! I ran the Faction run as a doorman, I am pro.
4. OMG I GOT CHESTRUNNING! I had a full team of pro runners and I didn't even get hit, once. IT'S TRUE I AM INVINCIBLE!
And this title is unnecessarily complicated.
Originally Posted by AuraofMana
Most of the titles doesn't really make you a pro:
1. OMG I AM R13, I grinded and I play HA all day. I ran IWAY and SF = I am PROZ! 2. OMG I GOT ULTIMATE SURVIVOR! I had someone to run me and got pwr leveled because I am rich. 3. OMG I GOT FRIENDS OF KURZICKS TITLE! I ran the Faction run as a doorman, I am pro. 4. OMG I GOT CHESTRUNNING! I had a full team of pro runners and I didn't even get hit, once. IT'S TRUE I AM INVINCIBLE! And this title is unnecessarily complicated. |
most ppl get chest title for the addeed bonus not to show they are pro.
Originally Posted by gavin456
most ppl get chest title for the addeed bonus not to show they are pro.

Kool Pajamas
Its a good idea but like its been said being rank12 or whatever in a profession doesnt really give an idea of how you are with certain builds. Playing Fire ele is a lot different than a warder ele. Just dont think it would be useful enough to implement.
Sagius Truthbarron
Well, I think its two sided. It is nice to get a monk for HA that has monked once in his life. On the other hand, maybe that person monks alot in PvE, RA, and Gvg, very good monk, they just don't HA? Maybe they've never played monk before, but they're better at it by nature than most of the rank 11 fame farmer monks.
This might just make more cries of elitism, which wouldn't be unfounded. Maybe you should try helping your monks learn to play in a gental way that wouln't hurt their inflamed egos.
This might just make more cries of elitism, which wouldn't be unfounded. Maybe you should try helping your monks learn to play in a gental way that wouln't hurt their inflamed egos.
I submiutted that idea over a year ago, still not implemented. Don't think they will do it. Ever.
Originally Posted by shardfenix
I submiutted that idea over a year ago, still not implemented. Don't think they will do it. Ever.
The title could even be based in time played (adding a filter for AFK time) or just in-game stats for personal use, not available for other players.