serenitys flame
Y I Die?@?@?@. I Kepe Dynig Wen I Og Otuside Fo Asclalon Cuz Dem Montsers Kepe On Kilnig Me. Y I Not Kili Dem!!!!1!!1111 I Kepe Trynig Ot Kili Dem But Dey Dotn Dieeee Mi So Angyr Rite Nwo Im Guuna Kili Sumboyd Hu Dosnt Hlep Me 2 Kili Dos Montser.
serenitys flame
Nd Also Dotn Noe How 2 Gte Rich Lyk Da Ppl Wit All Dat K0l0 Stuff Lyk Dat K00l Armro Nd Stuff. I Kepe Trynig To Get Rich But I Cant Gte Rich!!#111!11 It So Gay Y Cnat I B Rich Lyk Da Uder Ppl I Kepe Trynig To Pick Up Muni Dat I Get But Not Enuf Fo It To Get Rich Lyk Da Ppl I Ahte Dis Gmae It Not Fair 2 Ppl Lyk Me Hu Cnst Get Rich Soo Fast Lyk Uder Ppl
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