Question about Pvp Editions



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2006

We Own But You Don't LOL


I wanted to know,

say you own a Prophecies only account and you buy the PVP Edition of GW: Factions, does that give you access to alliance battles through PVP characters or no?



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2006

We Own But You Don't LOL


Sorry for the double post but I just wanted to bump since it has been moved.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2005


Wizardry Players Guild,

The Guild Wars PvP Editions give players instant access to all the PvP action that a campaign has to offer. Available through the online Official Guild Wars store, the PvP editions allow you to create PvP characters from that campaign, and give you access to the full skill list for each profession.

Jump right into the competitive side of Guild Wars! No other Guild Wars purchase necessary. Everything you need for PvP play is included.
From the description at it sure sounds like it.

Guild Wars PvP Edition is a version of Guild Wars that allows players full access to PvP areas of the game without access to PvE areas. There is a PvP edition for each of the regular editions available (Prophecies, Factions, and Nightfall) and each one offers the following:
The ability to start a PvP character in any of the professions available in that game.
Access to all skills including elite skills of all available professions, as if they had been unlocked through the PvP unlock interface.
Access to all arenas where PvP action takes place as well as access to The Battle Isles.
Currently these PvP editions are only available through the online store.
And guildwiki seems to agree.